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13 years ago @ - Awkward: Bob Beckel Te... · 0 replies · +7 points
13 years ago @ - Beck was most certainly NOT being sarcastic! He said the same thing on his radio show. I heard him say it and thought he had just gotten carried away with himself... because he was angry the Tea Party was not falling in line with him. Now, I see THIS video... Beck has gone off the reservation to make such a comment. He was all over the left when they used it... and now HE uses it because some of us do not agree with him??? Neither Bachmann or Santorum could beat Obama... PERIOD! I will vote for Newt EVERY DAY over Obama and it has NOTHING to do with race. It has EVERYTHING to do with Obama's communist agenda! Gingrich has stated MANY times he would IMPEACH federal judges who twisted the Constitution... THAT alone gets my vote!
13 years ago @ - caWarrior... I'm with you on this one and it pains me to say so! I respected Beck until HE uses the race card if you don't agree with him! He was all over the left doing the very same thing... but, when it suits HIM... he thinks it's a valid argument. He needs to rethink that BS remark and make an apology or I will be canceling my subscription to GBTV!