Sweeping The Cobwebs

Sweeping The Cobwebs


10 comments posted · 270 followers · following 0

12 years ago @ Sweeping The Cobwebs - McKids on Xyng? · 0 replies · +1 points

I just can't handle all the real true Christian homemaker blogs. I tried it and I'll never be good enough. I just couldn't keep up with Candy's schedule and my husband kept throwing out my fermented foods thinking they were just spoilt. I even made this extra special cheese I found online by straining it through an old skirt and my family wouldn't touch it. I feel so persecuted when I try to be a super special Christian homemaker and my husband tells me to snap out of it, take the snot rag off my head, and go back to work.

12 years ago @ Sweeping The Cobwebs - Candy's Bringing The C... · 0 replies · +1 points

Yeah, I vaguely remember that. The weirdness of that post reminded me of her though.
I really try to follow AnnaMatrix some, at least for the snark fodder, but I've about given up. Her posts are just too out there and hard to follow to even comment on most of the time.

12 years ago @ Sweeping The Cobwebs - MckMama Bankruptcy Tra... · 0 replies · +1 points

At least most of them had the decent to fold, and often apologize in some way, when caught. She's just brazen.
I feel so bad for her landlord - they had to have planned to stiff him all along and yet he's still letting them store stuff on his property.

12 years ago @ Sweeping The Cobwebs - Candy Brauer Continues... · 0 replies · +1 points

OK, this is odd. Old comments are showing up under new posts.
Since these are Candy-related, and will probably be 100% relevant again since she goes on cycles of the same topic over and over, I'll leave them up.

12 years ago @ Sweeping The Cobwebs - Happy New Year! · 0 replies · +1 points

The titles did seem familiar. I wonder how many she has actually read and how many she just posts because she thinks listing them will make her seem smart. I really wish someone would convince here to read The Handmaid's Tale, but I wonder if she would even see the irony there.

12 years ago @ Sweeping The Cobwebs - Happy New Year! · 0 replies · +1 points

Well, Anna's still with us, posting about how she jumped the gun with the Rapture prediction, but it's OK because this other prediction was right and she just forgot to add something to the timeline. In a way, I feel sorry for her because she knows people thinks she's nuts, yet she feels compelled to keep at it.

The rest of our lovely bloggers have been pretty quiet, but MckMama did chime in this morning with a post about how she was going to write a post on how she was losing weight, but was too tired after her Zumba class, so we were left with a recipe that involves a rather unappetizing photo of chicken marinating in jars.

12 years ago @ Sweeping The Cobwebs - Michael & Debi Pearl o... · 0 replies · +1 points

You're welcome.

12 years ago @ Sweeping The Cobwebs - Auto Draft · 0 replies · +2 points

And. it's bedbugs, or termites. She hasn't really said for sure, just that they destroyed the furniture (except for her bed) just in time for them to claim they have no expensive furniture as assets in their bankruptcy case. People have pointed out that termites are not active in her area, especially this time of year, but why let that interfere with some good end of the month drama. (It's all about the clicks, baby).

12 years ago @ Sweeping The Cobwebs - Auto Draft · 0 replies · +2 points

This was posted to MckMama's Facebook by a former fan, then quickly deleted. Too spot-on not to share:
"I feel like a whole lot of lying is going on here. People with farm animals can't leave home for hotel stays and now another trip within a week. It doesn't add up. I feel like I'm being emotionally blackmailed. It's too much. Bankrupt people don't go on trips. They stay at home living check to check. I don't appreciate being used (for clicks) to support lies. McKmama has turned her life into a novel. I'll save my fiction reading for Jody Picoult."

12 years ago @ Sweeping The Cobwebs - More MckMama House Drama · 0 replies · +1 points

If you mean the poll, I'm not sure. It was a plug-in, but seems not to be working. I'm still trying to get the site set up and the bugs worked out, so maybe I'll figure it out soon.