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7 years ago @ Crasstalk - Get It Going Open Thread · 0 replies · +18 points

I'm perfectly chill, thanks.

7 years ago @ Crasstalk - Get It Going Open Thread · 2 replies · +27 points

"that girl"

She's 36. Come on.

7 years ago @ Crasstalk - Get It Going Open Thread · 0 replies · +14 points

Two things:

1. Differin Gel is over the counter now which is something to celebrate if you have acne. I bought a tube Friday evening and applied it before going to bed. When I woke up Saturday morning the breakout along my jaw had calmed way down and was no longer painful. It's almost completely gone today. The Differin website is really informative and had a coupon for $2 off that I was able to print out.

2. I saw Born in China yesterday and it is SO CUTE.

7 years ago @ Crasstalk - Weekend Open Thread · 1 reply · +14 points

I think if you wear tights you will look like a high school art teacher. If that's your kind of look, that's great. Go with the tights. I think it would look better with bare legs. If you're feeling insecure about your legs, do a light self tanner.

7 years ago @ Crasstalk - Weekend Open Thread · 4 replies · +18 points

No tights. There's already a lot going on.

7 years ago @ Crasstalk - Weekend Open Thread · 1 reply · +3 points

The woman's laugh is killing me. Every time she cracks up, I end up cracking up too. Also this just proves men know NOTHING about women's sexuality. Tits and clit.

7 years ago @ Crasstalk - Weekend Open Thread · 3 replies · +7 points

I just started listening to My Dad Wrote a Porno and feel like my life has been changed for the better. I'm even considering purchasing Belinda Blinked to support Rocky Flintstone.

7 years ago @ Crasstalk - Weekend Open Thread · 3 replies · +4 points

If I don't have to wash my hair, I'll get up with my first alarm, turn on the coffee pot, then hit snooze and go back to bed for ten more minutes. I know I shouldn't though. It makes me more tired during the day than if I just get up.

7 years ago @ Crasstalk - Weekend Open Thread · 6 replies · +6 points

But 4:40 a.m. is so early!!!!

7 years ago @ Crasstalk - Middle Open Thread · 0 replies · +1 points

Yeah, but I'm in the desert. Maybe try three?