Hugh Jelly

Hugh Jelly


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10 years ago @ Equestria Daily - Drawfriend Stuff #1090 · 3 replies · +2 points

Did any of you ever consider that with the time it takes to absorb all of this pony stuff over the last few years, we all could have learned a new language, gotten good at an instrument, learned a skill...Heck, I could have build a dang robot over all this time I've spent looking at cartoon ponies. Anyway, I think this is it for me. I'm done. I guess I'll still watch the show, but I have been wasting time over something I'm never even going to mention to anyone I know, for fear of them judging me.

It's been fun, but I think that I'm moving on. Keep having fun with this show, guys, but I'll be working on doing something productive for once. Maybe I'll be back, and maybe I won't.

I really don't know why I'm telling you guys this. Oh well, can't hurt. You're all wonderful human beings!

10 years ago @ Equestria Daily - Weekly Wrap Up #007 ( ... · 3 replies · +10 points

Weekly Wrap-Up #James Bond

10 years ago @ Equestria Daily - \"Pinkie Apple Pie\": ... · 0 replies · +6 points

It needed more cowbell

10 years ago @ Equestria Daily - \"Pinkie Apple Pie\": ... · 0 replies · +5 points

They also brought the kitchen sink

10 years ago @ Equestria Daily - Nightly Roundup #867 · 0 replies · +1 points

I thought I was talking about the cinemasins imitators.

I honestly don't remember writing all that out yesterday...the world is a scary place

10 years ago @ Equestria Daily - Nightly Roundup #867 · 2 replies · +1 points

Those videos are good when they are analyzing an entire movie, but doing them on episodes means that they have to stretch for content.

Usually it ends up that they use that stupid "scene does not include a lapdance" joke like three times every video and complain about unexplained but meaningless stuff.

sure that male pony is looking shiftily at a box in three frames, maybe it DOESN'T MEAN ANYTHING!! IT'S AN ANIMATED KIDS SHOW!! It's a good show and all, but jeez! There's nothing wrong with the show, they just don't want to take the time of naming and giving a backstory to every colored horse that passes through the shot! Stop pretending that this is some Christopher Nolan epic where every prop hints to a super-secret answer about things, most of the stuff is just whatever the animators feel like drawing at the time!

Sorry for the's late.

10 years ago @ Equestria Daily - Nightly Roundup #867 · 0 replies · +1 points

It's all Twist's fault

10 years ago @ Equestria Daily - Nightly Roundup #867 · 0 replies · +1 points


10 years ago @ Equestria Daily - Nightly Roundup #855 · 0 replies · +1 points

have a day, everyone

11 years ago @ Equestria Daily - Story Updates - Decemb... · 0 replies · +4 points

The Monster Below updated?? Well there goes studying for my finals... I seriously can't wait.