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3 days ago @ Crasstalk - Ready for it Open Thread · 1 reply · +4 points

What is with these ugly ass haircuts? Musk has one that looks like he closed his eyes and zipped his hairline with a buzzsaw.

3 days ago @ Crasstalk - Ready for it Open Thread · 0 replies · +7 points

Because we live in rural Georgia, we often have mice in the house especially the attic. I used to live in absolute terror of getting hantavirus. lol The symptoms are just like a chest cold so you can get really, really sick before you know it.

If they had contamination in their pantry, she probably couldn't keep up with the cleaning. I feel so bad for them. they probably wanted their independence at the expense of their own health.

3 days ago @ Crasstalk - Ready for it Open Thread · 0 replies · +9 points

And quite frankly, 2 to 3 weeks is nothing in the grand scheme of things. If you aren't close to your parents, you probably don't call them more than a few times a year.

When my mom and dad first went down to Florida, my dad was PISSED and refused to answer any calls whatsoever from any of us kids. We only knew what he was doing because of my niece. He went weeks ignoring our calls, including calls to the front desk of their hotel. Older parents can be incredibly difficult.

3 days ago @ Crasstalk - Ready for it Open Thread · 5 replies · +12 points

I heard the story on Friday as I was sorting through some of my mom's things. It is so heartbreaking to think about him wandering around the house as she lay dead upstairs. And god, that poor dog.

I have read a lot of comments about why the kids hadn't checked on them within those 2-3 weeks and I gotta say, nobody knows anything about the relationship between them and their kids. Anyone with toxic parents can tell you there are a lot of possible reasons why they didn't call. Who knows what kind of relationship they had with their stepmother and then their dad has severe Alzheimer's so they can't even talk to him. Who knows? I refuse to speculate and blame the kids because there is probably a lot the public does not know about the situation.

The thing that amazes me is that she was 65 years old and taking care of a man with severe Alzheimer's and three large dogs with apparently no outside help. That is fucking crazy. The whole thing is truly awful but tbh, not that uncommon in these times. He's just famous and (supposedly) wealthy. There are a lot of elderly people in the US who live and die like they did. It's really depressing.

1 month ago @ Crasstalk - New Week OT · 0 replies · +13 points

I was afraid I might catch something just by logging in.

1 month ago @ Crasstalk - New Week OT · 0 replies · +5 points

We watched it a few weeks ago. Excellent, but lord have mercy, it was brutal. I knew the Mormons were assholes, but jeez louise. I would like to see a followup series about Jim Bridger.

PS. I would never have made it in those times.

1 month ago @ Crasstalk - Weekend Open Thread · 1 reply · +5 points

Sooooo....nobody wants this?

1 month ago @ Crasstalk - Weekend Open Thread · 0 replies · +14 points

Too many women lose their gd minds over Valentine's Day. No wonder men hate it so much - they can't live up to the unrealistic expectations or financial obligations of "Our Perfect Love" demo.

I just came out of the grocery store and everyone looked grim and stressed.

1 month ago @ Crasstalk - Winter Weekend Open Th... · 3 replies · +15 points

The real diet secret is cigarettes.

1 month ago @ Crasstalk - Winter Weekend Open Th... · 2 replies · +5 points

Oh girl YES. Take some days for yourself. He will be fine without you. Let him miss you a little bit. Maybe he will realize he would like to get off the hamster wheel and relax.