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10 years ago @ My Smurfs Village - Traveler Smurf · 0 replies · +2 points

You need to recover your data from before you updated the game. Go to the Blue Play menu. Tap Options. Tap the icon of Papa Smurf 16 times. When it appears, tap Recover Village. You will see a list of files on your screen. Choose the one that is before you updated. Look at the village. Make sure your Painter Smurf hut is where it's supposed to bel You may lose a few days' xp, but your data will not recover without overwriting your village with that file.

10 years ago @ My Smurfs Village - Android Backup via Google · 0 replies · +1 points

Just fyi. This is a fan site and not the game developer's site. We appreciate your frustration with the game and the amount of data crashes and money lost that you experienced. Usually, once your data is lost, it's gone for good, but usually Beeline reinstates your purchased Smurfberries. You have to request they do that, though. If you haven't done that and you decide you want to restart the game one last time, please open a ticket with them at In addition, there are a few things that contribute to data loss: one is playing with a low battery and the other is buying the paid expansion. Backing up your game on your SD card will not backup your data and the new feature Google Cloud Backup does not work for many players. These are all memory problems that Beeline is aware of but has not been able to fix. Personally, I had to restart the game three times, and I play on Android, so truly, I understand how frustrating it is.

Also, it is our policy not to allow personal email addresses to appear in the comments. This is in order to protect our players from those who frequent the Internet with less than honest intentions and to protect the privacy of our players.

10 years ago @ My Smurfs Village - Missing friends in Nei... · 0 replies · +1 points

What device and browser are you using? What page are you on when you see this? Do you see the blue banner at the top of the screen or the mobile green without images? We're not seeing any issues on this end. Try closing our page, clearing your cache, and rebooting your device.

Also, to those wondering, I'm back helping out for a few days. :) It's nice to see you all.

10 years ago @ My Smurfs Village - VIP Status in the Smur... · 0 replies · +1 points

Translation: I have accidentally deleted smurf village so I retelecharge I recovers my VIP life with all the hosts?

The translator didn't do a good job with this one, but I'm guessing you're asking if you can recover your data somehow along with your VIP status. Two questions: if you play on iOS, do you have a backup on Game Center? It's possible you MIGHT be able to recover. When you deleted the game you should have been asked if you also wanted to delete the Game Center data. If you kept it, you can reinstall the game and log into game center and it should ask if you want to continue your old game. You can check to see if you have a backup on iCloud. You might have a recent one that copied out automatically.

If you're playing on Android, it's going to be hit or miss with regard to a restore. If you're at the higher levels and your Google Cloud Backup isn't writing out automatically anymore, you're stuck with restarting the game. If you're at the lower levels, you should be able to reinstall and copy the data over from Google, though I've never tried this myself.

Worst case, you have to restart the game, and if that's the case, you can open a ticket with Beeline and let them know what happened and ask them to reinstate your purchases. On iOS you should be able to have reinstated your Smurfberry and EO purchases, and on Android you will only get your purchased Smurfberries.

I hope this answer helps you figure it out.

10 years ago @ My Smurfs Village - SOS : Admins Wanted fo... · 0 replies · +1 points

Smurf Lover, the article wasn't clear. I'm helping out in the background until the end of the month. Smurfy Fan is looking for iOS and Android admins. Do you mind emailing the address in the article? Smurfy Fan tried to email you based on the email id associated with your comment, but received a rejection message.

10 years ago @ My Smurfs Village - Smurfs village a new F... · 0 replies · +1 points

The Garden Shop cannot be purchased for Smurfberries. It is a Beeline Exclusive Offer for real money. It has nothing to do with the caravan. That is connected to the new and upcoming Beeline Smurf game called the Magic Meadow, which will be out in a few months.

10 years ago @ My Smurfs Village - Smurfs village a new F... · 0 replies · +1 points

Try recovering your village from the hidden backups. It sounds like your village data was corrupted during the update. Make sure you don't play the game when your battery is low, and also remember to reboot about every three days. Doing these things reduces the chances of data corruption.

10 years ago @ My Smurfs Village - Camper Smurf Update is... · 0 replies · +1 points

Thank you.

10 years ago @ My Smurfs Village - Camper Smurf Update is... · 0 replies · +1 points

It is spread out over a long period of time. You will get another quest soon. This is Beeline's big advertising push for their new game, which will be released in a few months.

10 years ago @ My Smurfs Village - Resources Overview · 0 replies · +1 points

If you play on iOS, it is not in your menu system. If you play on Android, it is in your Decorations/Furniture Menu.