


33 comments posted · 6 followers · following 0

14 years ago @ GrassrootsPA - Corbett files lawsuit ... · 0 replies · +1 points

<DIV>To "Dolly_Madison" - - I have no knowledge that Corbett has allowed the "Nacho Queen" (better known as Republican Representative Mauree Gingrich) "to skate" - - - at least not yet. If Corbett does not indict Gingrich for forgery and perjury under oath in court, he will lose my vote.</DIV> <DIV></DIV> <DIV>To "Dutchman" - - What "hint of corruption" can you document in Corbett's conduct in office?</DIV> <DIV></DIV> <DIV>SS
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14 years ago @ GrassrootsPA - Corbett files lawsuit ... · 1 reply · +1 points

<DIV>To "Dolly_Madison" - - I have no knowledge that Corbett has allowed the "Nacho Queen" (better known as Republican Representative Mauree Gingrich) "to skate" - - - at least not yet. If Corbett does not indict Gingrich for forgery and perjury under oath in court, he will lose my vote.</DIV> <DIV></DIV> <DIV>To "Dutchman" - - What "hint of corruption" can you document in Corbett's conduct in office?</DIV> <DIV></DIV> <DIV>SS
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14 years ago @ GrassrootsPA - Corbett files lawsuit ... · 8 replies · +3 points

I'm not necessarily a Cotbett fan, but he deserves credit for the indictments he has brought so far, especially those against John Perzel, Bill DeWeese and Veon.

As far as running for Governor while serving as AG, he is no different than any other elected official who runs for elected office. If his conduct in office created a conflict of interest that impeded or preclued him for faithfully discharging his duties, that would be a different story. Just because folks are Democrats or otherwise do not like Corbett is no reason to continuously badmouth him.


15 years ago @ GrassrootsPA - PA's budget dilemma: 6... · 2 replies · +1 points

Savings Continuation:

Third, take a knife to consulting projects and contracts. Eliminate all those not absolutely essential to the efficient functioning of government. Prohibit the awarding of "no-bid" contracts or assignments. Do the same for outside legal fees. Move all possible and essential outside legal work to firms charging no more than - say $200 per hour, unless some truly specialized expertise is necessary. Eliminate the political Philadelphia and Stevens and Lee type law firms unless they bring their fees in line.

These are only a few - - - the realistic possibilities in a $27+ billion general fund budget are almost enticing for any elected officials who honestly want to responsibly deal with the taxpayers' money.


15 years ago @ GrassrootsPA - PA's budget dilemma: 6... · 0 replies · +3 points

Chris is right-on. Cut the budget for the state legislature by at least $100 million a year. This could probably be accomplished by reducing the bloated and unnecessary staff level from the approximately 3,000 currently employed, many at over $100,000 per year, to a level of - say 1,500.

Next, repeal the Prevailing Wage Act of 1961 that effectively requires the highest cost labor (union labor) on most state infrastructure projects. If, as the Governor continuously claims, the state has an infrastructure crisis, doesn’t it make good common sense, to have our precious dollars purchase the least costly and most efficient materials and labor to preserve a safe and economical efficient infrastructure.

To be continued.


15 years ago @ GrassrootsPA - THE BULLETIN FOLDS AFT... · 0 replies · +2 points

Best wishes to the Bulletin's employees. These are tough times.


15 years ago @ GrassrootsPA - Rendell: Sestak Would ... · 0 replies · +3 points

Agree with Talbert! Sounds to me that the Democrats are afraid Sestak will run against Specter. Now why would they be afraid?


15 years ago @ GrassrootsPA - Charges refiled agains... · 3 replies · +3 points

Veon is entitled to his day in court and so is the AG. From what I have read about Veon, he is a genuine scumbag and if found guilty at trial he should go to jail for about 10 years and pay fines and restitution in at least the several hundred thousand dollars range.

Also, he should have to forfeit his state pension and health-care benefits.



15 years ago @ GrassrootsPA - Toomey would lose out ... · 0 replies · +3 points

Heading "not-for-profit" foundations, think tanks, advocacy organizations, etc., has become big business. Just think what the heads of organized labor take home, or the National Organization For Women, or many of the environmental and "Human Rights" organizations. You will find that the majority of the heads of these organizations are taking home between $500,000 and $1 million per year, plus very generous benefits.


15 years ago @ GrassrootsPA - PA DEMS HINT AT INCOME... · 0 replies · +2 points

Rendell has failed to cry that failing to spend more will endanger the "Duck-Billed Platypus.

What a Hack!