


876 comments posted · 6 followers · following 22

11 years ago @ Wonkette - Crybaby Businesses Thr... · 0 replies · +3 points

Well, at least we're still spying on our own citizens, extending unwinable wars so the warmongers can make more money, lowering taxes on millionaires, etc, etc, etc... Drink THAT fresh blood, you fuckin' right-wingers!!

(Shit, I'm so sick of being disappointed... Even when they lose soundly, they win)

11 years ago @ Wonkette - WND Has Hissy Fit Over... · 0 replies · +11 points

Hmm, I always wondered why I would get this insatiable urge to suck a cock when I ate Fruity Pebbles! Guess it's the breakfast and not my underlying...

11 years ago @ Wonkette - Wendy Davis Shoves Pin... · 0 replies · +5 points

"I just want to tell you what it's like not to have Planned Parenthood... you have to give your kids Ramen noodles at the end of the month to fill up their little bellies so they won't cry. You have to give them mayonnaise sandwiches. They get very few fruits and vegetables because they're expensive."
Gwen Moore

Even Rep. Moore knows Mayo is better than Miracle Whip!

11 years ago @ Wonkette - Wendy Davis Shoves Pin... · 0 replies · +3 points

Yeah, now he will only win Tejas Guv, Pt 4 by 10%, cause the ladies (who won't go vote him out) will hate him!

11 years ago @ Wonkette - GOP Rep. Ralph Hall Ha... · 2 replies · +20 points

NO WAY!! Down here in Tejas, we heard if you happen upon some of them queers - they will just fuck you right there! They don't even ask... then Jesus will give you AIDS cause, now your gay. And guns!!

11 years ago @ Wonkette - Slutty 13-year-old Who... · 0 replies · +9 points

About as rich as our heritage of protecting the rights of female victims. That is the main problem - we do not do a good enough job of protecting our daughters. We allow men in high places (military commanders, judges, congresscritters) to decide whether or not the effects of offering protection are worth the impact to their individual interests. Far too often, they are not. If women were truly protected, the first reaction of actor, and many of us with daughters/wives/mothers/sisters would not be the desire to "do what they won't".

11 years ago @ Wonkette - Slutty 13-year-old Who... · 0 replies · +11 points

Meh, wake me up when red-meat America DOESN'T respond this way.

11 years ago @ Wonkette - Rand Paul Aide Has Cun... · 0 replies · +7 points

I was thinking filabuster - tomato tomahhhhto!

11 years ago @ Wonkette - Rand Paul Aide Has Cun... · 3 replies · +9 points

What is the Christianist word for Jihad?

11 years ago @ Wonkette - Rand Paul Aide Has Cun... · 2 replies · +20 points

And porn fappers.... OH SHIT! Did you hear something??