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4 years ago @ http://www.conservativ... - Daniel Hannan: It's ti... · 0 replies · +1 points
4 years ago @ http://www.conservativ... - Daniel Hannan: It's ti... · 0 replies · +1 points
Some elements of globalisation are good. But others such as unelected cabals taking big decisions because they think it will be good for us are not. I'm thinking of the UN on climate, the ridiculous UN HRC and so on.
5 years ago @ http://www.conservativ... - Next Tory Leader. It's... · 0 replies · +1 points
8 years ago @ Conservative Home - Leave means Leave · 0 replies · +1 points
I support #Brexit, and would also support leaving in a phased way, by moving to an EFTA/EEA arrangement as a transitional step to a more comprehensive bespoke deal. We would be out of the EU, but remain in the SIngle MArket and retain passporting rights for financial services companies. We would also have a unilateral emergency brake on immigration, through Articles 112-3 of the EEA Agreement*.
The beauty of this solution is that it effectively spikes the guns of the Remain scaremongering.
*See link:
8 years ago @ Conservative Home - Christopher Howarth: A... · 0 replies · +1 points
We are better than this. Most of the EU countries are better than this. BUt we should not be shackled to this economic corpse
We need to leave the EU, reassert sovereignty and get on with free trade with the EU and Eurozone, and be free to enter enter into free-trade deals with the parts of the world that are growing.
9 years ago @ Conservative Home - Straw, Rifkind, outsid... · 0 replies · +1 points
For instance I have no problem with say a barrister continuing to practise or a business man (or woman) continuing to run the family firm. Who cares how much they get paid for that.
The problem arises when they are seen to be using and abusing their position and power to take money to influence Government and policy making.
It is this type of lobbying and grubby influence peddling that should be outlawed.
And whilst we are about it, those who have financial interests in Parliamentary topics should not be allowed to vote on those items and be forbidden from sitting on those Parliamentarycommittees.
10 years ago @ Conservative Home - WATCH: Hannan - Climat... · 0 replies · +1 points
They understand very little of science and don't know how to respond or challenge.
10 years ago @ Conservative Home - WATCH: Hannan - Climat... · 0 replies · +1 points
10 years ago @ Conservative Home - WATCH: Hannan - Climat... · 0 replies · +1 points
You are quite right. There is a false consensus on whether we are warming, and on whether that is mostly man made or not and on whether that is going to be catastrophic. But even if the warmists are right, then our energy and climate policies are completely bonkers.
We have hamstrung our economy and are destroying lives and jobs by pursuing daft policies that push up our energy prices.
And our, indeed, Europe's contribution to reduced CO2 emissions is negligible compared to non-OECD CO2 emissions growth.
Better to spend small amounts adapting, rather than large amounts trying to pretend we ar esome sort of modern day Canute.
See detailed emissions numbers here:
10 years ago @ Conservative Home - The worst fault of the... · 0 replies · +1 points
1. There is precious little to choose between the main parties. So the elite has contrived to keep itself in power.
2. Too many spads with no real world experience and no affinity to the areas they stand for.
3. Too much power ceded to EU meaning we can't vote to change whatever they come up with.
4. Too many arms length relationships with quangos and not enough accountability to ministers and Parliament
5. Too much pandering to vacuous party lines and evasive answers to questions rather than properly addressing issues.
6. Supine media with precious little proper forensic questioning.
This is what makes the elite corrupt and remot.