


63 comments posted · 2 followers · following 1

16 years ago @ GretaWire - OPEN THREAD - BLOG · 1 reply · +1 points

Has your account been infiltrated? Actually agreeing with some of your logic tonight. Sure it won't last but it's nice to see anything is possible over time. :)

16 years ago @ GretaWire - ON THE RECORD at 10pm ... · 0 replies · +1 points

Are you serious, delusion, or bias to the point that objective thinking eludes you? Your detest for Palin is obvious and I'm sure it has to do with your political affiliation. Were you this outraged when it came to her predecessor, former Gov. Frank Murkowski, who spent $463,000 on travel in 2006? Frank who?

Why did it take Annette Kreitzer the Commissioner of the Department of Administration nineteen months to realize Sarah Palin's per diem should be treated as income? State lawmakers need not worry for the new determination by administration officials won’t affect them.

I wonder if Greta did interviews with Nancy Pelosi and ask her questions about her use of private military planes at tax payers expense if you would then see Greta as being balanced. Because of 911 the speaker gets an aircraft but whatever the DOD deems adequate which doesn't seem to fit Nancy's desires. Nancy wants to take not only family along but colleagues. Can read here. It cost more for Nancy to fly one way from here hometown to D.C. than what Palin was required to pay. Sure none of this will be of concern to you for it doesn't discredit Palin.

16 years ago @ GretaWire - Latest on Mrs. Bush · 0 replies · +4 points

Glad one of our former first ladies is doing better.

Why shouldn't we have concerns for a former first lady that just had open heart surgery? Because she had a good life? The way in which you comment it seems we should have concerns. Not hard to guess where your ideology is on the political spectrum by your uncaring comment.

As for the update you are requesting go watch MSNBC they have reported on that story more than any other network. I wish her well too and had you watched The Factor last night you would have had an update to her condition and how to help.

16 years ago @ GretaWire - Questions & Comments O... · 8 replies · +3 points

firstchoice for a liberal is lastchoice for a conservative.

" liberal families' incomes average 6 percent higher than those of conservative families, conservative-headed households give, on average, 30 percent more to charity than the average liberal-headed household. Conservatives also donate more time and give more blood."

What were you saying?

16 years ago @ GretaWire - Questions & Comments O... · 0 replies · +1 points

Butt covering and whatever else one takes issue with this senator for Bayh's current rhetoric makes sense. Personally I wish this bill would die. They are spending like drunken sailors instead of honorable sailors in the queens navy, both sides. BO did Bayh a favor if things don't get better in the near future.

16 years ago @ GretaWire - Governor Palin: Update... · 1 reply · +4 points

One post I disagree with you this one however totally agree with you. hehe

Sitting in his dorm room trying to access an account he clearly knew didn't belong to him I wonder if those there all celebrated once they got in. Once that was accomplished he took it even further and sent out personally information and images of his crime to gawker's.

Tax payers employee this young mans father which in turn we helped his son attend college and this is what he does with the education. He was my son I would take him out of college, make him join the service and earn his degree like many less fortunate young people do to strive for a college education.

16 years ago @ GretaWire - Missing toddler Haleig... · 1 reply · 0 points

Do you personally know the families of those here who's comments you can't believe? I will shamelessly pray for you.

I find it odd that ones child is missing and the couple has to break the news that they are going to marry, reason issued is because the couple knows the missing child would want it. Why not focus on the most important concerns first (finding your daughter) then focus on less important concerns (getting engaged).

What is it about Florida law that you believe many don't understand? The part were the groom to be is technically breaking the law? This guys past wouldn't cause you any concern if your child was dating him? What a shame...

16 years ago @ GretaWire - OPEN THREAD -- BLOG · 0 replies · +1 points

Sure like to toss that word around a lot, best you can to to express your argument? I know you can do better than that funk. I could call you a bigot but then I'd be no better than you.

16 years ago @ GretaWire - OPEN THREAD -- BLOG · 0 replies · +1 points

Were you home schooled? Your comment leads me to believe otherwise. Home schooled kids have social interaction with one another via trips of learning and recreational. He's fourteen, instead of seeing him as a kid that's interested in politics it seems to me your negative criticism is based more on your own political opposition to his views. If he were using "talking points" that you believed in would you still be so critical? Kids that show such passion in other activities aren't criticized (called ignorant or simplistic) but admire for their talent and willingness to succeed.

When candidates where campaigning they went all over the country repeating the same memorized speeches (Obama too with his prompter), did you not vote for the candidates were embarrassing? I'm sure this kid is smart enough to know whatever his hopes and dreams are those that ridicule him aren't worth the attention.

16 years ago @ GretaWire - Looking to buy a new h... · 0 replies · +1 points

Hearst bought the mansion back in 1947 for 120,000 then Leonard M. Ross bought it in 1976 though I couldn't find out what he paid. The current asking price makes the mansions value each year rise about 2.6 million from the time Hearst bought it, that's one heck of an investment.

Be funny if some billionaire bought the mansion for S&G's only to destroy it and have low income housing apartments built. Watch the neighbors squirm and make excuses for why such housing shouldn't be allowed considering they act as if they care about the poor, this would test exactly how much. Tom Cruz would be couch jumping like a mad man once again I bet.