


70 comments posted · 3 followers · following 1

14 years ago @ Big Hollywood - TRAILER: 'Harry Potter... · 0 replies · +2 points

All I get is the still shot and some trailers for movies I wouldn't want to see.

14 years ago @ Big Hollywood - Cameron's 'Avatar' Sho... · 0 replies · +2 points

What you fail to take into account Bob is the fact that the trailers barely showed the back story or any allegorical points that Cameron himself said were in "Avatar". The trailers people saw were the spectacle, not the political undertones.

But if it ends up making $500million+ like "The Dark Knight" domestically, I'd give your point a solid B+...

14 years ago @ Big Hollywood - 2009 Movies: Top Ten S... · 0 replies · +1 points

Don't have the hate for the "Star Trek" reboot, but I always find it funny that the Trekkers are as bad about their film as people who make "Jedi's" into some religion and then act all snooty about the back story with "humanitarian" and "money is obsolete" mantras...yeah and they go and fork out money for a movie that's the action-oriented/blow crap up Star Trek...and it was fun too.

Oh, and Nero was a blue collar villain, not some Shakespeare quoting Klingon (even though that one was pretty cool).

14 years ago @ Big Hollywood - NJ Lawmakers Ask MTV t... · 0 replies · +4 points

Hey, leave these bunch of ab and sex obsessed fist pumping guidos alone...they're the creatures of the society that's being built these days! I'm sure they'll all grow up and realize the implications of the progressive income tax on their tanning salons and hair products for their blow out hairstyles....yup.

14 years ago @ Big Hollywood - Audiences Prefer Famil... · 1 reply · +6 points

And they, Hollywood, always like to tell people if they don't like what people see they should change the channel or not watch a particular movie. Yet when people do indeed follow that advice and movies and shows are money losers, the same Hollywood deep thinkers blame those same people they encouraged to turn away!

14 years ago @ Big Hollywood - 'Avatar' Open Thread: ... · 1 reply · +3 points

Was this Colonel character the same as the Michael Biehn character from "The Abyss"?

15 years ago @ Big Hollywood - Why 'Phantom Menace' S... · 9 replies · +5 points

I will always say "Return of the Jedi" is better than people give it credit for.

15 years ago @ Big Hollywood - REVIEW: Cameron's 'Ava... · 2 replies · +7 points

I wonder if über Hollywood lefties ever contemplate the fact they're able to churn out their allegorical garbage year in and year out because of that "evil" military they all disdain keeps them safe. Or why "The Hangover" grossed $277million and Michael Moore's latest made an abysmal $18million. To listen to them, the wise and powerful Hollywood elite, this country needs to think more like Michigan Fats and to tear down capitalism...but without taking away their overpaid salaries though..can't have that.

15 years ago @ Big Hollywood - HuffPo Writer Shows Us... · 0 replies · +2 points

He wasn't in 300, but was in "Blackhawk Down".

15 years ago @ Big Hollywood - Christian Toto: 'The B... · 0 replies · +2 points

I like to read this article, but can't get to Toto's site lately.