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10 years ago @ http://trinidadexpress... - GANGA’S DIRT | T... · 0 replies · +2 points

So every story of corruption that comes out about the PP is the PNM fault right??? So Anika Gumbs is an PNM right??? Rather than demand transparency and accountability from your party, the UNC/COP, you blame the PNM. Continue doing that and see where it will get you all. Look at the mess you all have made of Life Sport !!! So we should expect the worst from now on!!!

10 years ago @ http://trinidadexpress... - T&T’s economy in... · 7 replies · +4 points

Wow Anthony Aboud, you are not even trying to be subtle. Firstly, the discovery of oil does not mean immediate production. There first has to be a market for the oil and an agreement drawn up. Then a production facility has to be installed for bringing the oil to the surface and then to Petrotrin for sale and marketing. Given what is happening on the world stage with shale gas and prices in the US, it is doubtful whether our pricing will be competitive. Instead of depending on oil and gas so much, the PP should have focused on diversification as they promised in their manifesto. But I guess you conveniently overlooked those facts in your quest for making Kamla look good. You are also forgetting we still have deficit budgets running and the latest is about 9 Billion with the additional 3.8 Billion requested last week in parliament. So please get your facts straight before you come to this forum.

10 years ago @ http://trinidadexpress... - Cooking Penny’s ... · 6 replies · -3 points

Yes of course Penny is free to mingle with whomever she wants, just like people are free to criticize her for doing so. Just like when Dr Rowley was criticised by the UNC for attending Divali Nagar in a kurta last year. While many found it to be petty, others found it had merit. To each their own.

10 years ago @ http://trinidadexpress... - Cooking Penny’s ... · 19 replies · -13 points

The comparison you are drawing between a state event to celebrate the life of a renowned world leader and a UNC curry duck competition down Debe is both belittling and insulting to the legacy of Nelson Mandela. The two do not compare!! Secondly, I will not go into details about PNM business, but you should ask yourself the reasons why what appears to be a simple "visit" has evoked such emotions. If you think it is as simple as you put it, then go ahead thinking that way. It is not my duty to correct your ignorance. However you would be well advised to look at your own UNC party. I say no more.

10 years ago @ http://trinidadexpress... - Cooking Penny’s ... · 30 replies · -12 points

I was asking myself the same question, because she seems to want to have a major say in PNM business, but yet she is not a member. And her facts are all wrong. Lystra, please focus on fixing the affairs of the UNC government whose leader has lost four elections in one year and is presiding over corruption and nepotism rather than trying to stick your nose in PNM business. The PNM is free to have disagreements but we are all one family. Teach your UNC to be like that. Goodnight.

10 years ago @ http://trinidadexpress... - PM, Rowley view Mandel... · 0 replies · -3 points

Are you comparing Nelson Mandela to curry duck???? You gotta be kidding. A state visit is nothing to compare to a curry duck event bu the UNC down Debe. Come with something better than that.

10 years ago @ http://trinidadexpress... - PM, Rowley view Mandel... · 1 reply · +1 points

It is very insulting for your to compare a state visit to celebrate the life of a renowned world leader whose life impacted many outside South Africa to a "surprise" visit to a curry duck event by the UNC down Debe. The two are not one and the same. So stop trying to use that as an example, as they are not. UNC needs to stay out of PNM business. You all don't have a clue.

10 years ago @ http://trinidadexpress... - PM, Rowley view Mandel... · 2 replies · -3 points

JMDnld, you PP people need to wake up. Why on earth would we replace our Leader who has led us to victory three times this year??? Is this why you PP and ILP people are pushing for Penny to be PNM Leader?? because you all know she will be easy on you and not win elections for the PNM???? Why would the PNM choose a leader who our political opponents are endorsing??? Would you all choose a leader who is endorsed by the PNM??? Get real !!!!

10 years ago @ http://trinidadexpress... - Restructuring our Poli... · 0 replies · +7 points

Well I hope the very serious allegations made here by Dr Ryan are false. because if they are not, Penny has some explaining to do. And it has not helped her case by having Jack Warner publicly backing her for PNM Leadership and hinting at a possible alliance if she is the leader of the PNM. And amazingly, there has been no denial from her of any of these allegations that have been made thus far. This is very disconcerting for a woman who holds such a serious office within the PNM. And I am seeing that the UNC/PP cabal is trying to use this issue to help themselves in the upcoming general election. Little have they forgotten that they have an internal election in January 2014 and will face very damaging campaigns as people grasp for power. In my opinion, Dr Rowley made the right move to remove Penny as Senate Leader. She was very ineffective and this was seen in the PR Bill. If these allegations are untrue, she should publicly respond to them and put people's fears to rest. Otherwise, her reputation may be permanently ruined.

10 years ago @ http://trinidadexpress... - Anand: Deliberate &lsq... · 1 reply · +4 points

So you are saying the Integrity Commission is just like the PP Government then. No INTEGRITY!!!!