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6 years ago @ - Imp\'s WWE Adventure: ... · 1 reply · +6 points

Imp knocking it out the park as per usual. This was a thing of beauty.

I'm just happy that Becky's actions at SummerSlam resonated so strongly with the fans. You get the feeling crowds will continue to rally around her in the coming months no matter how WWE tries to spin it on TV. That alone makes me want to tune in.

Oh and should yours truly make a return to column writing in the near future, I believe a Road Dogg roast is in order.

6 years ago @ - The Eternal Optimist P... · 1 reply · +2 points

Skitz is in a better place.

6 years ago @ - 4 Times The WWE Should... · 1 reply · +4 points

Hell yeah. The Main Page could use a writer with some spunk and Tim Rose is just the man for the job. Glad to see you up here, homie. It's long overdue.

6 years ago @ - Sir Sam\'s Court - YES... · 1 reply · +1 points

Congrats on reaching the quarter mark in this series, Sam. I'd have already folded up tent and gone home lol.

Not only was Bryan's story throughout the fall of 2013 great but a lot of other good stuff branched off from it as well. Said angle brought The Shield back to the forefront as The Authority's henchmen while also segueing into their awesome series of matches with Cody & Goldust. Hell even Big Show was entertaining in an overly hammy type of way. D-Bry's current run kinda reminds me of the one you're covering since he's been wrestling any and everybody on the SmackDown roster. WWE's likely trying to get the most out of him in case Bryan's return is relatively short term but eh. I'm just glad they're going about his beef with Miz the right way and saving it for a later date. I thought we might see them face off at SummerSlam but the Team Hell No reunion should keep Bryan tied up for the next couple months.

6 years ago @ - Sir Sam\'s Court: YES!... · 1 reply · +3 points

You aren't the only one who enjoyed Edge and Batista's series of matches. I thought the former did a great job of showcasing how good of a worker Big Dave could be (just as he'd done with Cena prior). The Rated R Superstar always struck me as being a pretty selfless performer and his appearance on that RAW back in late 2013 is a perfect example. Instead of bogarting the spotlight like so many other returning stars would have in that situation, Edge made the Bryan/Authority feud the focal point and helped advance the plot. This was around the last time that I had any shred of interest in Orton from a character standpoint (mine died out completely after WM31). Randy hit a hot streak there on RAW right after cashing in at SummerSlam.

Ambrose's current sabbatical came at a good time for me personally. I tend to underappreciate his efforts but now that Dean's been off TV since December, I find myself missing the dude. Glad to see that you're still going strong with this D-Bry series, Sam. I never tire of revisiting his stuff.

6 years ago @ - My FINAL Two Centsss -... · 2 replies · +19 points

My 5 stints up here combined weren't even as long as your one lol. You've been a Main Page pillar for years and it is very much the end of an era in that regard. Thanks for turning at least one of my managerial decisions into a success. Never imagined you'd last 8 years but based on talks that we've had in recent(ish) months, I kinda knew this day was coming. Still a bummer though. Take care out there, homie.

6 years ago @ - WWE nXt Results- May 2... · 0 replies · +2 points

Solid stuff as always, homie. To be honest, I don't think their Women's Division is in rough shape at all. They've got Baszler, Sane, LeRae, Cross is still down there, Belair continues to improve and Evans is decent enough. The issue is the booking and building them up to look like credible threats to Shayna. Short taped matches aren't going to accomplish that.

On an unrelated note, I can't be the only one rooting for Gargano/Ciampa/Black at Brooklyn 4. Let Johnny and Tommaso duke it out again on the Chicago show and then put them both in the title picture!

6 years ago @ - Sir Sam’s Court:... · 1 reply · +2 points

Nice intro piece, homie. Any sort of Daniel Bryan series has my undivided attention.

Now I just need you to make an exception timeline-wise so we can include D-Bry's gauntlet match against Cesaro, Swagger & Ryback during the leadup to SummerSlam '13. Do it for our friendship!

6 years ago @ - 205 Clive\'s Purple Br... · 1 reply · +4 points

Congrats on the promotion, Clive! Awesome to see you up here reporting on the purple brand. 205 Live has been rolling since Enzo's release and I've been catching every episode. I was pulling for a Roderick/Gulak final but Cedric and Ali both have great stories going so it works.

6 years ago @ - Just Business: The Per... · 2 replies · +1 points

While there's a lot of fans who seem to be excited about the IC Title match, I understand where you're coming from (especially as it relates to Rollins). Given Seth's Mania trajectory and the roll he's been on in recent months, this definitely feels like a step backwards. It's similar to Ambrose getting stuck on the kickoff show at WM33. Rollins got shafted out of a top spot this year because of the bloated card and part-timer party but I feel like Seth will use that as motivation and work the match with a chip on his shoulder. I'm looking forward to Balor/Rollins/Miz and think it would be a great choice for opener.