I agree and disagree. I have seen a teen driver who was forced off the rd while a larger truck was "bird doging" him on HWY 20. He didn't have hard priors, worked his butt of and came from far less then where he was at even 17.
He for the mistake got reckless endangerment and served over a yr.
No counsling attemps with solid accredited in -house clinics, no griving process for his love of 2 yrs that was killed along with his best freind, her cousin.
He had no where to go, pinched out of traffic with oncomming. He chose to try to get to the ditch so no one let alone others got hurt. The other truck was never found nor suposedly any leads good enough to do a hill of beans.
The boy who made this mistake was never blamed by family and freinds, we knew of thier love and the "mistake" but it didnt matter.
He is now a man, a loved one lost.
Instutionalizing the young only breeds dispair they will never come back from, EVER.
Inshuring the boy in the hunting story above gets proper care and punishment is the only way we wont loose another life. It is a fact, unfortunately and a horrid one.
LOL what a woodsy horseman, i see real country colors here. lol good lord.
I was shocked no one else ran myself but i have seemed to see more issues with prosecutors then the judges. Esp. with Susan. The woman who i used to sit in front of and watch take no BS....im just baffled. I have seen her toss the book in reguards to land rights. Even with not spending an over amount of time in a juvinile jail why not some other form of hardcore guidence and counsling. I SERIOUSLY dont think our county has the ability to care for what the people on both sides needs in this case.
I agree and when asked why there wasn't a law on the books preventing underage teens to hunt i was told it was on the books some time ago and somehow didn't make it to the reg's we use today.
I am not settled with the end result. But as a local WA hiker being in the woods for prime hunting season i woould think one would wear orange. That being said, being she was bent over and the fog...we will never know if it woulda mattered.
Even in the city one's parent tells you to "leave the lil birdie alone so its momma will care for it, do not touch", so how in the worked do these numbers of do-gooders happen. A very good short article and i hope it reaches those that may be inclined to do just this. Truly sad.
Anyone for any reason going 100mph w/o a cop in front of them even in a emer. regardless of nature is to be held accountable for what transpired. Children will never be the same. It's all quite sad. So much is wrong with today esp. finical and what all these families are having to go through from lack of judgment is disheartening.
Yes he was. At 243 posts as i am writing now I am udderly shocked to see the outpouring of emotions...more importantly those of sadness and people even on this article touching the death of this man to being as such a striking moment in his life as when Kennedy was shot. What is wrong with people today??? Does the majority really feel he was always in the right and never had a negative impact on children? Do they really know the statistics of how many abusers go free and the staggering numbers that are never even questioned...I didn't even want to post a comment to this and only am in agreement with your statement and how much it made me think....
This is outrageous, with all the immigration issues a woman who can pay out her own monies to help her family and with our economy help her workers. It may not be legal but I agree with another reader, what do these powers that be think of all the MANY years of arranged or mail order marriages? All the service men who get married or meet over seas let alone people on here on the internet whom do...COME ON FOCUS!