I have never read Frankenstein. I think maybe for me there is a fine line. I mean, I let my kids read many of the classics that talk about witches and spells. Some people would think this is wrong. However, I always feel if good vs. evil is shown in the proper lights, that there is something to be said for it. However, I refuse to be sucked into those vampire Twilight books. First of all, not huge on stupid love stories and secondly, vampires are not my thing. So for me, there is a line. I do not think a person should be judged by a book or music or movies even. I think that you really have to know the person before making any kind of judgment, if at all. I have some friends who say they are Christians, but then they are way too into worldly things. I hardly ever hear them talk about God at all. I think I am more judgmental of people like that who don't hardly breath the word "God" than someone like you who obviously loves God. I just think that its unfair to judge someone like that. I would have probably felt like you did. Sorry you had a bad experience. Gotta share the love, so ((HUGS))
I'm suffering with you Zee. Maybe not in the same way, but still. Hope you feel better and I hope next week brings us to a place of contentment. I'm feeling stretched and pulled and anxious myself!
I can somewhat relate to this post. I often times do not say things in meetings or groups even though what I have to say is good. I don't know if I think I sound holier than thou, but I think what I have to say is stupid. Later on though, I realize it was not stupid at all. I know one time we had a disagreement in a Bible study because one lady said it was totally ok to watch rated R movies. I wasn't trying to be legalistic, but I said "where does the verse about only thinking about what is pure, what is good, and holy come into play then?" I just wanted her to think about that because apparently she only watched Rated R movies. She stopped talking then kind of got upset at me. I wasn't trying to be holier than thou, but apparently I came across that way. Maybe she went home and thought about it. I don't know. (Please don't hear me say that movies are bad. I just was proving a point that we need to think about what the Bible says about things, not just what we want to do all the time). Anyway, so I can relate with you. Most of the time I do not speak up for fear of what I say coming across the wrong way or I will sound like an idiot or be wrong.
Beautiful post Zee. Sometimes (actually quite a bit) I feel like a misfit. I wonder why. It's just as simple as you say: this is not our home. I will probably always feel like I am out of it or don't fit in. Great points!
LOL. I'm actually pretty conservative. I don't like loud music in church or beating on drums or whatever...but, I would never complain if they did play it. I just probably wouldn't sing. Not because I didn't want to worship God but because that kind of music affects me. I would never say it was wrong to play it in church, I just personally wouldn't go to a church that does. I think God can be worshipped in many ways, but I find it hard to worship God with rock music. That's my personal take though, and doesn't at all reflect how a church can worship God. So I see both sides of it, but still feel its wrong to be so judgmental about music. And I agree...choosing to look for good things is hard, but you are right...God puts up with our little tantrums and still loves us too.
I struggle with that idea of choosing. I guess we all have choices, but I sometimes think when you have so much anger and stuff built up, it is 100 times worse to make a good choice. I feel that way anyway. It's easy for me to do the right thing when it comes to appearances -- be kind, look the part, don't smoke, blah blah blah...but when it comes down to heart issues, I fail big time.
Thanks Shan. I agree it is difficult. I guess I talk about that stuff too much...but it bugs me so much!
My mom told me the only way she could tell me and my sister apart as babies was because my sister had a birthmark. I can't imagine why people would dress up their twins the same when it is already so hard to tell them apart!
I don't know why I am getting spam. I never had it this bad until like a week ago. It really sucks. I'll try that out though...otherwise I'm going to have to start moderating comments which I really despise.
You rock Zee! I love your input and I can too relate to what you are saying. And pat answers are dumb. They are for lazy people who do not want to think of a caring thought or be silent so they spit out some "Christian saying" and feel better they did the deed. I hate them. I try to avoid them at all costs and cringe when others give me pat answers. I can tolerate them more now because I know most of the time the person is just having a hard time helping...but still feel they are horrible ways to respond.