


193 comments posted · 5 followers · following 0

9 years ago @ The Toast - Cocktail Hour: Open Th... · 0 replies · +2 points

Bless you! Did you get it done anyway? I just passed my exam for PhD candidacy a week ago, and am fighting to keep working because I have a conference to go to in December. I just spent two massively long days in the lab and have many more ahead of me. I know you have it in you!

9 years ago @ The Toast - Fincan: A Short Story · 0 replies · +2 points

I have never wanted to live alone before just now!

9 years ago @ The Toast - Open Thread! · 3 replies · +3 points

Podcast Toasties! I have been listening to a whole bunch of You Made it Weird with Pete Holmes. I have been thinking incessantly about what an episode with Mallory would be like. She is so funny and insightful and would be excellent at making it weird. And also Pete Holmes could use some more female / female identifying view points. People successfully lobby to make this kind of thing happen all of the time.

She wrote this:
And this:

If you also think this is something that could be magical and wonderful join me in lobbying them!

In other news, I am always looking for new podcasts to listen to. I spend long days in the lab. I listen to all of the usual suspects, but I am always looking for more.

9 years ago @ The Toast - Open Thread! · 4 replies · +10 points

Yeah. Yes. It really is unfortunate. I just want a dragon that can read my mind though.

9 years ago @ The Toast - Open Thread! · 0 replies · +8 points

My mom was in the same situation recently. We took a cat in when an elderly family friend could no longer care for him and had him for six years and could never successfully address his behavioral issues. In the long run we realized that he REALLY REALLY needed to be the only cat in his home and we could not provide that. I am sure you did your best and sometimes the best thing is to say "This is not working for any of us" Still, I am sorry.

9 years ago @ The Toast - The French Toast Test · 0 replies · +2 points

My perennial favorite is cheddar goldfish and mini-marshmallows. Always and forever.

9 years ago @ The Toast - A Question I'll Never ... · 0 replies · +12 points

Can we resume our campaign to Mallory appear on You Made it Weird with Pete Holmes? She's funny and sassy and I want to listen to them talk about religion. This would make my life complete.

10 years ago @ The Toast - Friday Open Thread · 0 replies · +1 points

What about something like this? I have not read it in a while and it might be a bit hard for a 10 year old. But it really captures the "The Earth is Old, and was very different once" theme that is the backbone of Earth Sciences. It is a comic book! So that counts as art and reading right? Or this one about the Cretaceous?

10 years ago @ The Toast - Friday Open Thread · 0 replies · +1 points

I think that is a wonderful idea. Spell check as it functions now is not always helpful to me. Especially where it autocorrects to a close but not what I meant word, or when it gives me a list of possible correct words and I have to pick from them / identify the one I want.

10 years ago @ The Toast - Friday Open Thread · 1 reply · +1 points

I do know that stress and being tired makes these things worse for me, I especially notice I am make more verbal mistakes when stressed. The University offers a "Pre-Screening" to evaluate if a formal test is worth it, which I am thinking about pursuing. I am less concerned about having a paper that says "I'm dyslexic" and more interested finding tools and workarounds for the types of mistakes I seem to be making consistently.