


36 comments posted · 2 followers · following 0

15 years ago @ - Obama \'green jobs\' a... · 2 replies · -23 points

Common sense and logic never fail to to be in extremely limited supply on this site. Worse yet, you're awarded for imbecility. Great job.

15 years ago @ - Obama \'green jobs\' a... · 5 replies · -21 points

Treason? What if you said...

"TED KENNEDY has now gone to HELL with his father."
"obama is a war criminal."

Which you have. It's called free speech. He's allowed to speak his mind, even if its something you don't agree with it.

15 years ago @ - Palin formally steps d... · 0 replies · 0 points

Irony is a concept lost on you.

15 years ago @ - Palin formally steps d... · 2 replies · -4 points

You betcha it's been fun but I have to leave you nutty fellas for now. But the fight isn't over don't cha know! I'm not quitting on commenting here though. I'M NO QUITTER. I think it's best described in this basket ball analogy. When the point guard shoots and waits to pass it to his team mate for a three pointer. I think I've made my point clear, you betcha!

My God it's easy to get Republicans angry. Too easy in fact. Like shooting the second amendment in a barrel. GOD BLESS AMERICA! Now which way to the closest book signing. Gotsa get paid!

15 years ago @ - Palin formally steps d... · 1 reply · -12 points

Analogy is lost on you. You're the piss.

15 years ago @ - Palin formally steps d... · 2 replies · -11 points

It doesn't, just pointing out the repeated Drudge links have turned it to this.

15 years ago @ - Palin formally steps d... · 3 replies · -13 points

So basically all your posts are attempts at personal attacks? Well I guess when you have nothing to say that's all you can say.

15 years ago @ - Palin formally steps d... · 0 replies · -13 points

Free to collect cash for book signings and speaking appearances as as well. There's no shame in doing it. Clinton has been an appearance whore since he left office. There is a dishonestly in saying otherwise.

15 years ago @ - Palin formally steps d... · 3 replies · -15 points

What exactly YOUR point? You kinda went off in five different directions.

15 years ago @ - Palin formally steps d... · 3 replies · -19 points

I'm just a pebble is a giant stream of piss, Goth. I do what I can.