


56 comments posted · 23 followers · following 0

10 years ago @ http://arcade.equestri... - Celestia\'s Cake Golf ... · 0 replies · +11 points

Tsk. I'm rather upset I didn't notice this earlier. It seems to be quite the game however. Actually, I don't think I've seen a pony golf game. Neat. Regardless, as always, have a great day guys!

11 years ago @ http://arcade.equestri... - Elemental Reaction · 0 replies · +20 points

How has a game gone so long and I not seen it?! I'm rather disappointed in myself for missing out on this fantastic game for an entire week! It's just awesome when you click one thing and the entire screen lights up and you've beaten that level without thinking :P
164 Click and 14:53 for time. And as always, have a great day guys!

11 years ago @ http://arcade.equestri... - Canterlot Siege 2 · 0 replies · +97 points

Well, a rather great sequel to its first! Much harder that the other. Gotta make sure you utilize the Support ponies... I found them when it was too late! D: I'm just disappointed I myself didn't come across this game earlier, it has rather nice audio to it. I would of liked to see them move past what looks to be desktop ponies and made their own, but having background characters instead was a great touch! ^_^ Regardless, as always, good luck and have a nice day guys!

11 years ago @ http://arcade.equestri... - Twilight Sparkle vs Tr... · 1 reply · +104 points

I always like to play as an antagonist. Don't know why. Trixie! Woo! Use them black holes!
Solid gameplay but a eventually became a little redundant. Found myself trying to whack away at a lot of health. Lots of room for improvement, but still has lots of potential. Now I just need to find a friend to play with!
Regardless, have a great day guys!

11 years ago @ http://arcade.equestri... - Zapple Hill · 0 replies · +33 points

Woo! Great new games! I hope it keeps up!
When I first launched this game it broke on me and I almost gave up on it! D: But I got it working! And it really is quite nice!
Got me a score of 20650. Hopefully it works for you all, but as always, have a great day!

11 years ago @ http://arcade.equestri... - The Reddit Game · 0 replies · +30 points

Well I'll be! Once again the time has come for another game! These seem to be rare these days. Oh well, I'm just glad to have them! Pretty simple yet enjoyable for sure!
Ponies upvoted: 359
Trolls downvoted: 443
Well hope everyone enjoys this! Have a great day regardless!

11 years ago @ http://arcade.equestri... - Twilight Wing · 0 replies · +38 points

Ahh it's no big deal. I would expect people to be busy when they run a website right. Least you ain't dead! :D

11 years ago @ http://arcade.equestri... - Twilight Wing · 6 replies · +240 points

Well lookie here. It's been almost forever since a game was release at the arcade! And a decent one at that! All these days of checking, and checking finally payed off! Thanks! Have a great day everyone else!

11 years ago @ http://arcade.equestri... - Minuette vs Tardiness · 0 replies · +29 points

Well what a lovely little game we have here. I always love the cut scenes in these games. Very well done, good voice acting, and it's nice to look at! I found it funny how a bunch of theses levels I could almost literally just run through :P But it still turned out to be very fun! Have a nice day guys!

11 years ago @ http://arcade.equestri... - Derp till Dawn · 0 replies · +44 points

This is why I live in a highly populated area...
The game itself was very well done. I liked how it changes a bit the further you go in. I very much liked the Doom styled parts, especially with the hair and muzzle showing! Unfortunately I got down into the well and ended up running in circles the whole time... and then he got me... Indeed did it scare me. Oh well! Great game! Have a nice day guys!