56p24 comments posted · 1 followers · following 0
14 years ago @ - Obama brands Republica... · 0 replies · +6 points
I don't think Lincoln's parents (or any of his mentors) were card-carrying members of the Communist Party (like Obama).Then there's slavery: Lincoln freed the slaves, but Obama wants to enslave all Americans in his Marxist/Communist utopia.
15 years ago @ - Study: Slowdown in war... · 0 replies · +3 points
We can't tell from reading RobertB's post whether he really is ignorant, but we CAN tell from YOUR post that you don't know how to spell or write correctly. Instead of "your ignorant," you should have said, "you're" -- the contraction for "you are." But you didn't know that, so we can safely assume that YOU are the ignorant one. And those "temperature records" that you claim are "found in ice core samples," are those records digital, photographic, video or what? BTW, infer = assume; it's not "proof."
15 years ago @ Big Government - Five Common-Sense Step... · 0 replies · +5 points
"If this was any other civilization, they [Congress] would be lucky to get out with their lives."
Maybe we should put the Congressional leaders on trial AFTER we remove them from office. Their crimes? Corruption, taking bribes, destroying the economy & the dollar, massive national debt, etc.
15 years ago @ - AP Sources: AARP to en... · 0 replies · +8 points
New slogan: "AARP is proud to support Marxism, vote Obama"
15 years ago @ Big Government - Lindsey Graham: For Ca... · 2 replies · +2 points
Fact: Any alleged "global warming" ended in 1998, which was the beginning our current "global cooling" cycle.
BBC News: What Happened to Global Warming?
31,478 Scientists Disagree with Man-made Global Warming
Sun's Lack of Activity linked to cooling planet
Sun Oddly Quiet -- Hints at Next "Little Ice Age"?
Try doing some independent research (reading AlGore and DNC/Pelosi/Reid fundraising newsletters is NOT research, it's "doubling down on stupid" (credit to Breitbart). If you want to know what's really going on, you have to read newspapers OUTSIDE of the US. The media inside the US is scientifically stupid and criminally dishonest. Their main job is being lapdogs for the Democratic party, spreading propaganda, and keeping people ignorant about corruption, economics, science, etc. so they'll keep voting for Dumbocrats.
15 years ago @ - Obama urges people to ... · 0 replies · +2 points
Obummer's main target: young people who have been brainwashed (instead of educated) by the public schools and who have never had a real job, paid taxes, ran a business, supported a family or had to make house payments. Anyone who thinks govt run healthcare is a good idea needs to start reading REAL newspapers from other countries, not the liberal birdcage liners that claim to be "news"papers in the US. National healthcare is bankrupting all of the other countries, they ration their healthcare because they have to. It's not "wonderful," it sucks.
15 years ago @ Big Government - The Internet as the Po... · 1 reply · +4 points
Anyone doubt this? Then why would Obama hire a Marxist "diversity czar" to work in the FCC? This Marxist loon (Mark Lloyd) loves Hugo Chavez, the dictator who shut down all legitimate media in Venezuela; only "Chavez-friendly" media survived. (In the US, that would be ABC, NBC, CBS, NYTimes, LATimes, etc.) He loves the Chavez revolution (govt takeover of industry), including "state controlled media" using propaganda to aid in the revolution. Typical Obama appointee, just like Van Jones -- the avowed Communist. WAKE UP, AMERICA!!
15 years ago @ Big Government - From the Archives: ACO... · 4 replies · +5 points
Did you see the news story of the Democrat fundraiser (for Obama & Hillary) who was indicted by the feds for defrauding banks out of $290 million? (Now we know how Obama raised all that money for his campaign.) And the other Demo fundraiser who entered a guilty plea for defrauding people out of $53 million? And you're worried about a stupid straw poll! Maybe they just can't vote for a bunch of crooks? (fundraising scandals, ACORN, Charles Rangel)
15 years ago @ - Graham joins Kerry in ... · 0 replies · +2 points
Fact: Global warming ended 11 years ago. Please read the following BBC news story (and there are lots of articles that say this, just not in the US. The US media is too lazy and dishonest to do any real research and report on what they find.):
--"What happened to global warming?
--For the last 11 years we have not observed any increase in global temperatures."
Also see where over 31,000 scientists signed a petition stating that they disagreed with the "man-made global warming" BS. And 9,000 of the signers have PhDs.
15 years ago @ - Republican leader atta... · 0 replies · +5 points