


2,369 comments posted · 17 followers · following 6

11 years ago @ The Tea Party Economist - How to Make Your Own U... · 0 replies · +9 points

I want a Springfield 1911 45 cel. I can't wait for them to invent an ammunition machine!

12 years ago @ - Vatican Leak: Did the ... · 11 replies · +4 points

Even our Lord and Savior Jesus had a Judas in his midst!

12 years ago @ - Will Iran's Gospel of ... · 0 replies · +7 points

TAQQIYA deceit by hard line Islamists! Nothing but lies and sabotage!

12 years ago @ - Conservative Catholics... · 0 replies · +1 points

“The left-liberals who run the show at Georgetown have found a way to signal to the world that the nation’s oldest Catholic, and most famous Jesuit, university stands with the Obama administration in its war … against the Catholic bishops and others who oppose the HHS mandate as a violation of religious freedom and the rights of conscience,” fumed Robert P. George, a legal scholar at Princeton University and a conservative Catholic with close ties to Republican causes.
The Pharasees pretended to be very pious and concerned...but they too had a hidden agenda...not hidden however from The Lord!

12 years ago @ - Hugo Chavez turns to C... · 1 reply · +40 points

Hugo: If God does grant you more time, will you profess his greatness? Will you shout out to all the corners of the earth that he is Emanuel? Will you finally understand that it's not about politics or societal manipulation, but it is about LOVE!

12 years ago @ - Biden's support of gay... · 1 reply · 0 points

The manner by which you judge is the manner in which you will be judged!

12 years ago @ - Biden's support of gay... · 3 replies · 0 points

Hey DT does you God tell you to insult others? if so.....get a new one!

12 years ago @ - Biden's support of gay... · 2 replies · -1 points

Proud of it….never; I am sickened at the depths to which society has sunk. I also am keenly aware of the contributions of the past, and that some of the contributors are still waiting for their chance to step up; i.e. the Muslims, who by the way, will stone homosexuals

12 years ago @ - Biden's support of gay... · 5 replies · +30 points

Pandora's box will be opened if it becomes law!
Our society will see one of the last pillars eroded and it will herald the end of white western civilization; I fear that we as a society have devolved to our basest levels; this issue then becomes a gateway issue for NAMBLA and other sicknesses to take root.

12 years ago @ - An Open Letter to Disn... · 0 replies · +11 points

Let's start to vote with our dollars and probably for the first time in Disney's history a very negative history has begun, start to boycott all things Disney!