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13 years ago @ Portland News, Oregon ... - Police Find Largest Ou... · 0 replies · +1 points

1. All scientific studies on marijuana have concluded that it does not have addictive properties.

2. ANYTHING can in directly "cause" you to die. That fact has no place in a conversation about the reformation of marijuana laws and is an obvious red-herring/misrepresentation of the facts.

3. Just because someone smokes marijuana, it does not logically follow that they "hate the government". This says more about you than the people you (wrongfully) describe. The reality is that the legalization/regulation of marijuana *would* bring significant profits to the government.

I don't see the marijuana laws of this country changing in my lifetime. The Federal government doesn't even recognize the rights of individual states to legalize it for medical reasons. This is despite the fact that it was the Feds themselves who first started looking into marijuana as medicine and still dispense it to a small amount of individuals to this very day. And lets not forget about all the money that is made by keeping marijuana illegal.

I have no problem saying that sometimes I just want to get stoned and that I believe as an otherwise law-abiding adult, I should have that right. Just as much as I have the right to drink a beer, or read a book and relax in bed. And I agree that more people should have the fortitude to say as much. But that is where my agreement with you ceases.

13 years ago @ Portland News, Oregon ... - Astoria Stunt Off Famo... · 0 replies · +1 points

So anytime anyone does something illegal they should be put in jail? Even if it is something trivial?

It seems to me that you are an authoritarian jackass.

13 years ago @ Portland News, Oregon ... - Police Sgt. Hires Atto... · 0 replies · +5 points

That is horrible logic. I hope you never end up on any jury if that is what you think. Moron.

13 years ago @ Portland News, Oregon ... - Astoria Stunt Off Famo... · 2 replies · -2 points

That still doesn't explain how those actions detract from the column, if anything, it brings attention to it. Now people who may have never heard of it are aware of its existence.

And I still say putting him in jail over something so trivial is a waste of time and money. Those cells need to be open for people who actually belong there because they are a danger to society at large.

13 years ago @ Portland News, Oregon ... - Inmate Faces New Charg... · 0 replies · +1 points

Must be a slow news day.

13 years ago @ Portland News, Oregon ... - Paragliding Daredevil:... · 0 replies · +3 points

Left with what aftermath? What a moron.

13 years ago @ Portland News, Oregon ... - Astoria Stunt Off Famo... · 4 replies · 0 points

How does this mans actions "detract" from the column? That makes absolutely no sense. What a waste of time and jail space. Also, this is horrible for tourism.

13 years ago @ Portland News, Oregon ... - Bend Police Arrest Pan... · 0 replies · +1 points

This reminds me of a joke:

A man comes home to find his wife on the couch, spread eagle, wearing crotchless panties.

"Want some of this?" She asks.

"Hell no!" he replies "Look what it did to your underwear!"

13 years ago @ Portland News, Oregon ... - Bend Police Arrest Pan... · 0 replies · +1 points

More importantly, beer is also sold in vending machines in Japan!

Glad I made you smile. Seriously though, that *is* in that guy's future. :D

13 years ago @ Portland News, Oregon ... - Bend Police Arrest Pan... · 2 replies · +6 points

I'm curious as to how the theft was discovered. Does she take an inventory of her dirty clothes hamper everyday?

This guy will forever be "that weirdo who steals panties". Sucks for him. I'm sure if he just bought some and asked really nicely, he could get a girl to wear them for him and give them to him when they are done. Sure, they might still think he is a weirdo but it is better than getting caught stealing them.

Fast-forward 5 years: this same gentleman is found dead - a victim of auto-erotic asphyxiation.