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13 years ago @ Big Journalism - Why the Left-Wing Hate... · 0 replies · +3 points
13 years ago @ Big Journalism - Why the Left-Wing Hate... · 0 replies · +6 points
13 years ago @ Big Journalism - Why the Left-Wing Hate... · 0 replies · +9 points
13 years ago @ Big Journalism - Why the Left-Wing Hate... · 1 reply · +11 points
No, not so much. The "magic" of the garment is just that it reminds us to keep our covenants with our Father in Heaven. It reminds us to keep the commandments, sort of like a literal putting on of the armor of God. It's literally the equivalent of wearing a cross necklace or WWJD bracelet, except that, because it's underwear, it's not displayed on the outside.
We do believe that God has a body. If we're created in His image, and we have bodies, then why wouldn't He? If Christ was Resurrected and people touched His risen body, where did that body go, if not with Him when He ascended to Heaven? Jesus was an Israeli Jew, so I couldn't say with any certainty that the Father is caucasian, and who knows how tall He is? We also don't believe that God resides on the planet Kolob. We believe that's the planet closest to where God lives, which could be hundreds of millions of light years away.
"We think it is odd, that plural marriage, the foundation of the religion, was tossed aside with nary a whimper - ditto their restrictions against dark skinned people joining the LDS church."
Plural marriage was not the foundation of the religion. It didn't start until well after the religion was founded, and was only practiced by at most, 1/4 of the LDS population. The reasons behind it are too numerous to list here, but the most important reason was probably that the Lord decreed a restoration of all things from previous points in the Gospel. Polygamy was commonplace in the Old Testament, with many prophets engaging in the practice with the Lord's blessing. Abraham, for example, is mentioned as one of the Lord's most faithful servants, and he had several wives and concubines. Solomon did as well, and it was only a spiritual issue when he took a wife who was not of the covenant. Clearly, there are times in which Heavenly Father has no problem with the practice, such as when He wants to raise up a righteous generation, but the numbers of His people are small. There are also times when the practice is not needed, and those are the times in which it is forbidden.
People of all races have always been welcome to join the LDS church. The restriction was on certain members holding the priesthood, which is not necessary to enjoy full membership in the church, or to live in Heaven with our Father after we die. Throughout the history of the Gospel, certain people were restricted from the priesthood. In Moses's time, only the Levites were allowed to have it. In the Savior's time, it wasn't much different. This is, in fact, the only time in recorded history in which all faithful men of the church are allowed to hold the priesthood. The proclamation was a cause for celebration for the vast majority of the LDS church members, not something to be upset about.
13 years ago @ Big Hollywood - In Memoriam: Andrew Br... · 0 replies · +5 points
13 years ago @ Big Hollywood - All Four 'Indiana Jone... · 0 replies · +1 points
Umno. High-def crap is still crap.
13 years ago @ Big Hollywood - Davy Jones of The Monk... · 0 replies · +10 points
13 years ago @ Big Journalism - Joan Walsh's Bigoted A... · 17 replies · +4 points
13 years ago @ Big Journalism - Liberals Hate Mormons · 1 reply · +1 points
13 years ago @ Big Journalism - Liberals Hate Mormons · 1 reply · +1 points