


5 comments posted · 0 followers · following 0

15 years ago @ Kyle Lacy, Social Medi... - Twitter More Important... · 0 replies · +1 points

How is the iPhone a platform? The iPhone is essentially a middleman for the other platforms to function on. Mobile media (aka Instant Media, coined by Stuart Foster of The Lost Jacket), is another story. Interesting poll though.

15 years ago @ Kyle Lacy, Social Medi... - Why Businesses Fail in... · 0 replies · +1 points

Good points Kyle! In life, and in social media, listening is key. You can't know direction your business is headed (or what direction it SHOULD be headed) if you can't understand how it's being viewed. Speaking without listening is noise. Speaking with thought is productive.

15 years ago @ Kyle Lacy, Social Medi... - What Zig Ziglar Can Te... · 0 replies · +1 points

I follow Tom Ziglar too and find Zig's quotes to be inspirational and relevant. Here and now has been the new way to approach marketing and business. As with social media (and Twitter), companies who have failed to adapt or understand it's value are losing. The have missed the boat and are missing the point.

15 years ago @ Kyle Lacy, Social Medi... - The Black Plague of Tw... · 1 reply · +1 points

You always come up with the best blog article titles! They are a huge part of why I really enjoy your blog. Good article on the annoying DM's. From now on I'll direct all HS-DM's to this article. Rock on Kyle Placy! :-)

15 years ago @ Kyle Lacy, Social Medi... - Ranked #183 of Top 200... · 0 replies · +1 points

Way to go!! I'm doing my happy dance right now. You can't see, but you best believe.