
23 comments posted · 2 followers · following 0

13 years ago @ - Pastor Accused of Burg... · 0 replies · +1 points

The police just did this because she is African, and that is why she did not call 911. Gee it looks like the police gave her a fat lip and possibly broke her nose. Where is Jackson and Sharpton? This woman needs help from the ACLU. Once those 2 men come back with the key they stole and take everything those racist cops will be in big trouble.

13 years ago @ KATU - Portland, OR - Wash. follows Ore. to ... · 0 replies · +1 points

I am sorry but you can't make enough laws to "save and preserve lives". At what point are we over regulated. Do you realize that most people break the law everyday and have no idea, because there are so many laws. People do stupid stuff and the criminals don't care about the laws so I don't see how it helps to make more and more laws. The laws seem more about revenue than saftey. Please do not think I want no laws but when is it overkill.

13 years ago @ KATU - Portland, OR - Wash. follows Ore. to ... · 0 replies · +1 points

They add that in so they can double the fine.

13 years ago @ - He's No Rudy; Bloomber... · 2 replies · +9 points

I smell a Snow Tax coming. If you pay the Snow Tax the city will plow the streets on the fifth Tuesday of every month.

13 years ago @ - Juan Williams: Palin '... · 2 replies · +7 points

It is all a word game. Here are the stats. Hitler said you must tell a really big lie to get the people to believe it
Obama the great orator- Teleprompter
Obama the most intellectual ever- Prove it
Obama restoring America's stance in the world- Really?
Obama's jobless recovery- is that like a moneyless bank account
Obama's "3 million saved jobs"- convenient you can’t prove a saved job
Obama not bowing to leaders- he is just so tall
ObamaCare= free medical for all
Obama net neutrality- nothing neutral about it
Obama was born in Hawaii- cert of live birth is not the same
Obama AKA Barry Soreto
Obama with a Connecticut SSN #
Obama never heard the words from Rev Wright
Obama is fighting big corp. companies- BS
Obama no more special interest in his administration
Obama’s assassination list- American citizen tops that list
Obama wants Gitmo residents to have constitutional protection
Obama says they have done more on boarder security-
Obama- American’s must give up privacy for security

13 years ago @ - Talking Points: Multi... · 0 replies · +2 points

You aint seen nothing yet.

13 years ago @ - Car Hits Stroller Carr... · 2 replies · +8 points

The witness name is Mohammad. Good greif Charlie Brown where are all the John Smith's of America?

13 years ago @ - Man Jumps From Romania... · 0 replies · +3 points

He showed them!!

14 years ago @ - Jimmy Carter: America ... · 0 replies · +5 points

I think the metrosexual president in office now is bad enough.
Hey Jimmy how ya doing in your walk with the Lord?

14 years ago @ - Bush: Don't Call Them ... · 0 replies · +1 points

Tell that to the 3000 people killed on 9/11