Having stolen the recent Presidential Elections by egregious electoral fraud, now this corrupt and inept Biden is on the counter offensive again hurling the same false charges of RussiaGate Hoax. As for preference, certainly there is nothing wrong in a foreign State preferring X to Y in the presidential elections. American imperialists, who even subvert elections and topple democratically elected regimes in other countries, seem to have no shame in hurling such invalid and false allegations.
Contrary to what is said here, Trump, despite all his gimmicks and fireworks, did not start any new war or did not kill any head of state, as the Noble Peace Prize laureate Obama did. Moreover, he has repeatedly called for withdrawal of American troops from Middle East and Afghanistan and scuttled to a great extent by the deep state. His opening of favorable relations and summit meet with North Korea is quite laudable, first time since so many decades that the Korean crisis is virtually defused and now better relations between two Koreas also we are seeing. He has given an honor to the North Korean President Kim officially and though his Iranian policy is quite bad, I think he may not go to the extent of war with it - just some fireworks. His close relations with Israel worrisome but his achievement of having UAE, Bahrain etc. mend with Israel is remarkable and ultimately may contribute to better situation in the Middle East even for the Palestinians. All said and done, he is quite better than his only opponent Biden now and I prefer him to Biden for the 2021-24 term.
Biden is corrupt and inept and also one of the worst warmongers in practice, whatever be his present electoral propaganda may be. Out of the only two candidates that matter, hence, I prefer Trump.
Trump lost or is fast losing his mental balance too.
Just come out of the dollar connection and trade by barter or in Yuans or rubles and the imperialists can do nothing. Moreover this will cause the imperialist economies collapse.
That it is a Soviet-era weapon or poison does not mean Russia alone should be able to use it. The British and American agents are more capable of doing that and then throwing the blame on Russia. I think that is what occurred here. Stalin was a lot better - he would just order shooting down of despicable imperialist lackeys like Navalny and be done with it openly. Now for not doing anything, Putin and his mates are going to carry the blame!
In the current circumstances Trump seems to be a better choice. Biden is worse, perhaps the worst. Even if a third candidate props up he may not get even 5-10% vote.
Joe Biden is the worst ever candidate and comparatively Trump is much better and deserves reelection [as only these two candidates are in the race now]. All this seems to have been engineered, also with the aim to foil Trump, whose reelection was almost certain after the Dems debacle of framing and pursuing false impeachment charges and Trump's inept handling of Covid-19 also contributed to it.