
992 comments posted · 1 followers · following 0

12 years ago @ KOMO - Seattle, WA - Police: Drunk dad let ... · 1 reply · +6 points

To all grammar nazi's: There, their, they're, it will all be OK.

12 years ago @ KOMO - Seattle, WA - Woman found dead in bu... · 0 replies · +6 points

Actually, I did read the story. My smarmy comment was for Lin1945, who obviously did not. I didn't feel the need to do all of his(her) research for them. Instead, I gave them something else to think about....... or be confused about as the case may be.

12 years ago @ KOMO - Seattle, WA - Woman found dead in bu... · 2 replies · +3 points

Climbed out a window maybe?

12 years ago @ KOMO - Seattle, WA - 1 killed, 2 injured in... · 3 replies · +13 points

First, speed limit there is 45. Second, you are close, but wrong here is what happens, each car is the others brick wall, it does not matter how fast the other vehicle is traveling. The momentum of car A at impact is 35 mph, the momentum of car B is 35 mph, each vehicle decelerates to 0 in, say, 30 milliseconds. If there is no second vehicle, but a brick wall, vehicle A decelerates from 35 to 0 in the same amount of time. There is no increase in energy because the other vehicle is moving, the deceleration is the same for both vehicles. In other words two vehicles colliding at 35 miles per hour is exactly like one vehicle hitting a concrete wall at ........... wait for it ............35 mph.
Vehilces don't gain energy just because what they hit is moving.

12 years ago @ KOMO - Seattle, WA - Ken\'s emails: Those n... · 0 replies · +8 points


"the four Gospels contain no specific statement by Jesus against homosexual behavior, nor any examples of His meeting and dealing with a homosexual person"

Lambert Dolphin , biblical scholar

12 years ago @ KOMO - Seattle, WA - Seattle police sergean... · 5 replies · +36 points

This is the opposite of protectionism. A Seattle officer made the stop, yet called in the State Patrol to file the charges. Had this been protectionism, a Seattle cop would have made the stop, put his partner in the offending vehicle, and driven the Sgt. home. We never would have heard a thing.

I applaud the Seattle officer for making what had to be a tough call, and doing it in such a way as to insure there was no coverup possible, well done.

How you see this as a coverup is beyond me.

13 years ago @ KOMO - Seattle, WA - Burger King cashier ca... · 1 reply · +2 points

5 years ago, my sister in law killed by a stoner when he ran head on into her car. Last year, the faux weed stoner who plowed into someone near pikes place. Impaired is impaired, whether it be alcohol, speed, LSD, or weed.

BTW I am for the legalization of Marajuana, I am also for busting anyone who drives while stoned.

13 years ago @ KOMO - Seattle, WA - Tanker crash snarls I-... · 0 replies · +2 points

Dear KOMO,

That's it, I quit. This is the last story I comment on from your site, as it is the last one I will read.

3400 Gallons spilled, SOME of which reached Lake Washington.

I've put up with the mis-spellings, the poor grammar and the occasionally biased slant to some stories.

This headlined isn't an error, it is plain and simple B.S. You could have grabbed my attention with a factual headline like 3400 gallons spilled, some makes it's way to lake, but you had to lie. I call it a lie, because within the story is written the facts.

KING 5, here I come.

13 years ago @ KOMO - Seattle, WA - Amazon: Actress lawsui... · 0 replies · +6 points

Do you mean to say she didn't read the terms and conditions!!!! I am shocked!

13 years ago @ KOMO - Seattle, WA - SCSO: Fire on Fales Ro... · 0 replies · +13 points

I drove by that fire on the way into work this morning, I was wondering why it smelled a little odd. My employees were wondering why I was in a good mood ................. coincedence?