1p1 comments posted · 1 followers · following 0
15 years ago @ Glenn Beck - The 912 P... - News From You · 4 replies · +4 points
In the beginning the best banker, merchant or farmer was elected by their neighbors to serve
as their representative in Washington. They had to sacrifice to serve; you could not make a living as a Politian. They were trusted by the voters to represent their views and interests in Washington. Some were reelected and, over time, became known for their wisdom and were called statesmen. Now we have a group of "professional" politicians. What happens to the country or their constituents means nothing. Their only concern is being reelected. If they loose they become lobbyists selling influence to the highest bidder. In the past I was against term limits, thinking if a legislator was good enough to be elected he deserved the job. I did not want to remove a good legislator because of the actions of others. Now I am in favor of term limits, the temptations and perks of joining the elite ruling class are just too great. There are too few statesmen to worry about loosing one to put up with the arrogance, greed and corruption of the rest.