My problem with governments at all levels is that I have no representation. I pay taxes and I vote. Niether of those actions makes me worth consideration to our government. I am not significant as a single individual. There are no lobbyists who represent me so I have no representation. The politicians, I am a vote, not a citizen. If I were part of a group that has a lobbyist, I would become important to elected officials. I am like so many individuals - - we have no representation at any level of government
My problem with governments at all levels is that I have no representation. I pay taxes and I vote. Niether of those actions makes me worth consideration to our government. I am not significant as a single individual. There are no lobbyists who represent me so I have no representation. The politicians, I am a vote, not a citizen. If I were part of a group that has a lobbyist, I would become important to elected officials. I am like so many individuals - - we have no representation at any level of government.