Pak it in Stan

Pak it in Stan


224 comments posted · 5 followers · following 3

14 years ago @ Simon Darby - The Unprofessional Foo... · 0 replies · +6 points

@Moaning without action will get us nowhere.

Quite right too Anglo AusAllies, we can only play the under-dog for so long - as in the Adam Walker case it's time to show some teeth and bite back. It goes to prove we can win on the day!!!

14 years ago @ The British National P... - Did Gordon Brown Lie o... · 0 replies · +4 points

Of course Brown tells lies.. I can tell precisely when he's lying his lips move.

14 years ago @ The British National P... - Democracy, Freedom, Cu... · 0 replies · +7 points

It's a work of art Mr Griffin! You said be prepared for surprises and you didn't disappoint.
Here's the link to ITN, it covers the whole Manifesto launch from start to finish.

14 years ago @ The British National P... - Migrationwatch UK Slam... · 0 replies · +2 points

Hi folks

Please DIGG this story from here...

14 years ago @ Simon Darby - The Great Debate? · 0 replies · +2 points

Many thanks Simon for posting.

Nick really is going from strength-to-strength answering interviewer's questions, and of course as we always had said when given a fair chance to answer BNP policies speak volumes of common sense to everyone.

14 years ago @ The British National P... - You Can Serve Your Cou... · 3 replies · +8 points

You Can Serve Your Country - Right Now... And quite right too.

I've just donated £500 and paid the deposit so that Peterborough has Parliamentary Candidate. Get with it folks everyone can help in their own way.

14 years ago @ The British National P... - If Immigration Is So â... · 4 replies · +4 points

Webmaster. What is happening with DIGG?

Just tried to submit this and other news items and an error message appeared 'The provided URL is not valid'. Any ideas?

14 years ago @ The British National P... - One Law for British Pe... · 0 replies · +4 points

Whoever you are Whiteywhite you're wasting your time mis-DIGGing BNP articles in an attempt to bury them, they're re-submitted elsewhere by cleverer poeple than you.

DIGG from here folks:

14 years ago @ The British National P... - Tory press finds plent... · 1 reply · +5 points

Samba, I can spare £500 as a deposit, we desperately need a good candidate to stand in the Peterborough area. email me at

Stan - BNP Gold Member 14235

14 years ago @ The British National P... - Tory press finds plent... · 2 replies · +16 points

As one commentator remarked on Simon Darby's blog - Nick could call his campaign in Barking "Hope Against Hodge". Not a bad idea all things considered.

Former Tory vote now BNP Gold Member 14235