Hey Guys, I mentioned this last week and no one is talking about it so I will try again. The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child is being revisited by this administration. To guarantee Parental Rights in our Constitution, the Parental Rights Amendment (yes, I said AMENDMENT) will be introduced as HJ Res 97 by Pete Hoekstra on March 31. If the treaty becomes law it will turn over parental rights to a UN commission and all the fun little government thugs who will be hired to implement the law in the US (ACORN anybody?) Please go to
www.parentalrights.org and check it out. There is a link to Hoekstras website and explanations and examples of what can happen and what HAS happened because of this treaty. WORLD magazine FINALLY did a piece on it (3/28 edition) but Glenn, Rush and Hannity don't seem to want to touch it. Even my local radio station hasn't taken it seriously yet. I'm already mad about HR 1388, but it will be moot if the treaty becomes law as the UN will decide if "volunteering" is in "the best interests of the child". Parents will have no say. See Principal #4.