


74 comments posted · 4 followers · following 3

12 years ago @ Big Hollywood - Obama Supporter Chris ... · 0 replies · +12 points

They are brain damaged individually and evil as a group. There is no other reason that explains it. When faced with 100's of years, 1000's of years of socialist failure, but they keep trying, what else can explain it? Either they are evil or damaged and can't see the truth.

12 years ago @ Big Hollywood - Denzel's 'Safe House':... · 0 replies · +15 points

Guess this is a Denzel movie that I am going to have to miss...

12 years ago @ Big Hollywood - The 'House' That Even-... · 0 replies · +2 points

I am pro-life, but really that is not my call, I am male. What I do has, is if you are willing to take the responsibility to kill the baby, take the responsibility for all of the act AND the costs. Don't ask those of us that do not believe in it to have to support you morally, fiscally or emotionally it is YOUR choice and YOUR responsibility not mine or societies.

12 years ago @ Big Hollywood - Painter's Anti-Obama W... · 0 replies · +26 points

It is not irrational, it is a well founded and deserved fear of the commie currently occupying the office of President. The only thing irrational is the Left's defense of this bum that is trying to tear the country both down and apart, all the while pretending he cares about the Republic.... No, he really doesn't even pretend to care about the Republic and his disdain for the Constitution is is open and palpable!
Leftism is a brain disorder that prevents the sufferer from seeing the truth.

12 years ago @ Big Hollywood - Trailer Talk: 'Get the... · 0 replies · +5 points

I am in! And that it doesn't have Danny Glover in it is even a bigger plus!

12 years ago @ Big Hollywood - Weinstein Says Obama L... · 2 replies · +16 points

Except he is trying to destroy his country and Thatcher was always trying to save hers... minor difference I know /s

12 years ago @ Big Hollywood - Found Footage Fever: R... · 0 replies · +4 points

True dat!!

12 years ago @ Big Hollywood - Rockers Revolt Against... · 1 reply · +4 points

I thought that once you paid your royalty fees you could play the song?

12 years ago @ Big Hollywood - Your Obama Apologist o... · 0 replies · +1 points

Whew, saved me the trouble of programming that into DTV. Just more of the " I owe you something" crowd that I don't.... see ya!

12 years ago @ Big Government - Gene Simmons: 'This Me... · 0 replies · +3 points

What makes you think that Conservatives are not more than a bit ticked at Bush?