Rob in Adairsville

Rob in Adairsville


443 comments posted · 31 followers · following 5

15 years ago @ Glenn Beck - The 912 P... - Stand Up & Lead · 1 reply · +4 points

God help us folks!

This is ridiculous and childish.

Here we have a 912 Group Leader defaming the intentions of another 912 Group over what was clearly a misunderstanding on her own part. The National 912 Project has had a disclaimer on the very first page of our site from the outset, stating in no uncertain terms that we are not affiliated with or endorsed by Glenn Beck but rather, inspired by him. Common sense would tell any mature, right thinking person to go and investigate the facts for yourself. This is not about who can be the first to win Glenn's endorsement, it is about whether our children and grandchildren will have liberty or suffer tyranny.

Next we have a person who says they see the virtue and intentions of a group of people but then turns right around and threatens to destroy the group in the next sentence. Dig Mr Exiled, PLEASE! DIG, DIG, DIG and then go up on the mountain and tell everyone what you found, as I'm certain you will be convinced of the our motives.

I have spent countless hours in REAL live conversation with everyone involved with TN912P and I will tell you this right now. As a husband, father, business owner, and thank God, an American, I will stake my very life and honor on the intentions and mission of the organization. The fact that some are attacking the group because it has leaders and a real structure and real direction truly puzzles me. Would you prefer anarchy? Maybe you have a problem with the Constitution too? How can you have a viable organization without some form of structure?

Now, why would someone say "Don't worry about the issues of the day" ? Well, I'm glad you asked. We are all very aware of the fact that the two Parties have essentially melded into one group of Progressives. They have successfully kept us from seeking real change by keeping us all occupied with the hero and villain routine. Every four or eight years we change up the rolls and we all waste our time fighting for our half of the Progressive Government. The Left was worried about the war, the Patriot Act, etc. Now we're all focused on Cap&Trade and Health Care Reform. All the while, no one is spending the time and doing the things that it's going to take to effect real change in the system. What we're saying at TN912P is stop focusing on the things they want you to focus on! Go to you local government meetings, go to the school board meetings. Run for town council, run for Mayor, run for dog catcher for the love of Pete. Real change is going to start at a local level. The small towns and cities in this country are what really makes up the America that we all hold dear.

I would like to invite everyone to view my blog and to check out The National 912 Project for yourself. Don't take the word of anyone when you can see and hear for yourself. We hold Ventrillo Voice Orientation meetings every weeknight at 9PM Eastern, in which you can meet the "Mysterious" National Leaders and ask questions directly.

I will not entertain this ridiculous gossip after this post so again, I implore anyone who loves this Nation and believes in the principles and values on which it was founded to at least take a few minutes to check us out for yourself. and

15 years ago @ Glenn Beck - The 912 P... - Stand Up & Lead · 0 replies · +2 points

I could not have said it better myself. Anyone who is familiar with my posts on this site will certainly attest to my intentions and I have been a member of N912P for some time now and actually have the honor of sitting on the Leadership Assistance Committee. I have spent countless hours speaking with, not posting or blogging, but speaking with all of the founding members of the organization.

I can tell you this, I would gladly stake my sacred honor on the pure intention and mission of The National 912 Project.

I would like to once again extend an invitation to everyone on this site to have a look for yourself. and

15 years ago @ Glenn Beck - The 912 P... - The 9/12 · 0 replies · +2 points

Some of you may know me because of my Digital March blog. I would like to invite everyone to view my new blog. I will be adding articles and links pertaining to the restoration of America by and through 912'ers and the 912 movement.

Please note that I am not in this for any personal or monetary gain. Like all of you, I just want to assure that my children and grandchildren can live in the America that I know and love.

15 years ago @ Glenn Beck - The 912 P... - News From You · 0 replies · +2 points

Some of you may know me because of my Digital March blog. I would like to invite everyone to view my new blog. I will be adding articles and links pertaining to the restoration of America by and through 912'ers and the 912 movement.

Please note that I am not in this for any personal or monetary gain. Like all of you, I just want to assure that my children and grandchildren can live in the America that I know and love.

15 years ago @ Glenn Beck - The 912 P... - Stand Up & Lead · 3 replies · +3 points

Some of you may know me because of my Digital March blog. I would like to invite everyone to view my new blog. I will be adding articles and links pertaining to the restoration of America by and through 912'ers and the 912 movement.

Please note that I am not in this for any personal or monetary gain. Like all of you, I just want to assure that my children and grandchildren can live in the America that I know and love.

15 years ago @ Glenn Beck - The 912 P... - Stand Up & Lead · 1 reply · +2 points

Just a note. I was on a conference call today with Georgia Senator Johnny Isakson. He's not the ideal Senator but he votes the right way 95% of the time. He said point blank that Health Care will not come to a vote this year and that Cap & Trade will never pass the Senate. My point is that there is not quite the sense of urgency on these bills that some would portray. I believe that the most important thing we can all do in the short term is educate ourselves and work toward getting principled candidates elected from Mayor to Senator in all upcoming elections. If you don't see those candidates run yourself.

Anyone who agrees please take a moment to check out our Organization at

15 years ago @ Glenn Beck - The 912 P... - The 9/12 · 0 replies · +2 points

I wanted to share again this exciting email update from The National 912 Project. Big things are in the works to help restore our Liberty.

Attention everyone!... The National 9 12 project has made astounding progress over the past 90 days. Here are a few of the things that have been accomplished and we will be continuing to make progress on.

1. The National 9 12 Project is a registered PAC (Political Action Committee) with the FEC.
2. Educational materials are now being readied for downloads.
3. Stephen Pratt (5000 Year Leap) will soon be teaching through The National 9 12 Project web site.
4. The TN912P Book Club is up and running
5. We now have a corporate Attorney.
6. Leadership orientation and training has begun using our Ventrilo server.
7. We are communicating with the Heritage Foundation to form a cooperation.
8. The new National 912 Project website is within a few weeks of being complete.
We also have several positions that need to be filled.
1. Copywriter / Writer
2. Political attorney
3. Several people for the Advisory Board
4. Candidates for state directors
5. State leaders
6. District leaders
7. Local leaders
8. Researchers
9. Public Affairs
10. Email responders
11. Liberty rally organizers (tea parties have become over run with politicians and negative press)
12. Bloggers, posters and social network recruitment. (meetup, ning, twitter, facebook, myspace,)

If you have any experience and desire to help make a difference please join us and send a message describing your skills or talents to Doug Marinello.
God Bless
Patrick Jenkins

Visit The National 9 12 Project at:

15 years ago @ Glenn Beck - The 912 P... - Books · 0 replies · +1 points

Thank you ma'am. Still no naysayers! When anyone has joined and or learned what we're all about at the National 912, they see what a great direction we're moving in.

15 years ago @ Glenn Beck - The 912 P... - Stand Up & Lead · 1 reply · +1 points

I wanted to share again this exciting email update from The National 912 Project. Big things are in the works to help restore our Liberty.

Attention everyone!... The National 9 12 project has made astounding progress over the past 90 days. Here are a few of the things that have been accomplished and we will be continuing to make progress on.

1. The National 9 12 Project is a registered PAC (Political Action Committee) with the FEC.
2. Educational materials are now being readied for downloads.
3. Stephen Pratt (5000 Year Leap) will soon be teaching through The National 9 12 Project web site.
4. The TN912P Book Club is up and running
5. We now have a corporate Attorney.
6. Leadership orientation and training has begun using our Ventrilo server.
7. We are communicating with the Heritage Foundation to form a cooperation.
8. The new National 912 Project website is within a few weeks of being complete.
We also have several positions that need to be filled.
1. Copywriter / Writer
2. Political attorney
3. Several people for the Advisory Board
4. Candidates for state directors
5. State leaders
6. District leaders
7. Local leaders
8. Researchers
9. Public Affairs
10. Email responders
11. Liberty rally organizers (tea parties have become over run with politicians and negative press)
12. Bloggers, posters and social network recruitment. (meetup, ning, twitter, facebook, myspace,)

If you have any experience and desire to help make a difference please join us and send a message describing your skills or talents to Doug Marinello.
God Bless
Patrick Jenkins

Visit The National 9 12 Project at: <a href="" target="_blank">

15 years ago @ Glenn Beck - The 912 P... - Vent - 6/22 · 1 reply · +1 points

9-12-09 Washington March planned and organized by the GOP?