


279 comments posted · 11 followers · following 9

10 years ago @ http://markspoils.blog... - Weekly Shenanigans · 0 replies · +4 points

I think all of the Inheritance Trilogy was commissioned except for chapters 3-8 of 100K :)

10 years ago @ http://markspoils.blog... - Weekly Shenanigans · 0 replies · +4 points

Thanks everyone :)

V'z abg fher ubj gur vagreivrj jrag, pbafvqrevat gung vg jnf irel fubeg, naq V sryg gung gurl jrer gelvat gb trg n srry sbe gur crefba va grezf bs jurgure gurl jbhyq trg nybat jvgu gurz, engure guna eryrinag rkcrevrapr. V guvax vg jrag jryy, gubhtu V'ir unq orggre vagreivrjf, naq orggre vagreivrjref. V'yy ubcrshyyl xabj ol Jrqarfqnl.

10 years ago @ http://markspoils.blog... - Weekly Shenanigans · 5 replies · +9 points

Laura's (hopefully not-too-long) job hunting adventure
Rot13 for Google evasion. Because all the cool kids do it :)

Fb V'z ybbxvat sbe shyy gvzr jbex. Gb or fcrpvsvp, V'z ybbxvat sbe shyy gvzr jbex va yrtny nqzvavfgengvba, juvpu vf gur vaqhfgel V jnag gb jbex va. V unq na vagreivrj ynfg jrrx, juvpu jnf n cubar vagreivrj svefg, juvpu V gubhtug V gbgnyyl oyrj, ohg vg zhfga'g unir orra gung onq orpnhfr vg tbg zr na va-crefba vagreivrj jvgu gur erpehvgzrag ntrapl, juvpu V gubhtug jnf gur orfg vagreivrj V unq qbar va ntrf. Hasbeghangryl gubhtu, V qvqa'g trg fubegyvfgrq sbe gur svany vagreivrj jvgu gur ynj svez, juvpu qrcerffrq zr, orpnhfr V jnf tvira gur hfhny srrqonpx bs 'Lbh unq fyvtugyl yrff rkcrevrapr guna jung gurl jrer ybbxvat sbe.' Nppbeqvat gb gur ntrapl, zl vagreivrj jnf terng, naq V pnzr npebff nf na rkpryyrag pnaqvqngr, ohg V qvqa'g dhvgr unir gur rkcrevrapr. Juvpu naablrq zr orpnhfr gur wbo V jrag sbe fcrpvsvpnyyl vaqvpngrq gurl jrer tbvat gb genva gur nccyvpnag vagb gur cbfvgvba. Vg'f nyfb naablvat srrqonpx, orpnhfr gurl arire vqragvsl jung nernf V arrq gb sbphf ba tnvavat zber rkcrevrapr va.

Naljnl. V unir na vagreivrj sbe n fvzvyne cbfvgvba gbzbeebj, jvgu gur nqqrq orarsvg gung vg'f urncf pybfre (V pna yvgrenyyl jnyx gurer sebz zl ubhfr va 15 zvahgrf). Vg nfxrq sbe n ybjre rkcrevrapr zvavzhz, naq fgnegf bss ng n ybjre yriry guna gur bgure wbo, fb V'z srryvat pbasvqrag nobhg zl vagreivrj gbzbeebj :)

10 years ago @ http://markspoils.blog... - Weekly Shenanigans · 1 reply · +12 points

...literally the stupidest thing I have ever done
The stupidest thing I've ever done is try to lock my front door with my cars central locking. I pointed the key and pressed the button at the door, and repeated about four more times when I didn't hear the normal clicking sound my car makes -_-

You know sweatpants? In Australia we call them trakky-dacks.
There is logic behind this.
Trakky is short for tracksuit
Dacks is aussie slang for pants
ergo tracksuit pants = trakky-dacks.

Logic :)

10 years ago @ http://markspoils.blog... - Weekly Shenanigans · 1 reply · +15 points

Me too. I live about an hour away from my state's border (Queensland), and one of my favourite things is hopping between the two different states whenever I'm down that way. Actually, because Queensland doesn't have Daylight Savings Time but New South Wales does, I can celebrate the New Years Eve count down twice in an hour. Which is what I'm doing this year :P

10 years ago @ http://markspoils.blog... - Weekly Shenanigans · 0 replies · +5 points

I think you perfectly captured what I went through when I saw this movie for the first time. Except I saw it in a practically empty movie theatre, so everything was ten times louder and larger.

10 years ago @ http://markspoils.blog... - Weekly Shenanigans · 0 replies · +5 points

Yeah, I've never really met anyone who has read them. I don't think it helped much that the series was out of print for almost 20 years. I adored Trixie Belden growing up. They were out of print then too, but I picked up a copy of the third book in a secondhand bookshop when I was about 7, and really enjoyed it. I spent the better part of my childhood looking for other books in the series whenever I was in a used bookstore, which I think adds to my fond memories and attachment to the series - collecting them was like a treasure-hunt.

I would love to finish the collection actually. I own about 30 out of the 39 books, though several of them are in serious need of being replaced because they are falling apart. They've reprinted the first 14 books, though the later books will be harder to find, especially 35-39, as they had only one release.

ETA: Actually, thinking about it, some of my absolute favourite childhood books were little known books and authors picked up on a whim from secondhand bookstores.

10 years ago @ http://markspoils.blog... - Weekly Shenanigans · 2 replies · +5 points

I wish this worked for me more often. I have a couple of books I read years ago that I can't remember the titles of, and even though I remember a fairy decent outline of plot or character, don't turn up anything on any search.

I haven't read this book though. I do agree with you about how re-reading books you read when you were younger can be dangerous. I have over 30 Trixie Belden's that I collected from second hand bookshops over several years that I loved and used to read all the time, and I went back to re-read one of them about a month ago, and it just wasn't the same :(

10 years ago @ http://markspoils.blog... - Weekly Shenanigans · 0 replies · +5 points

V xabj ubj lbh srry er gur cvyy. V'ir orra ba vg sbe 8 lrnef sbe cerggl zhpu rknpgyl bar ernfba - erthyngvat zl crevbq. Zl crevbqf unir arire orra erthyne. V unir Cbylplfgvp Binevna Flaqebzr, juvpu vf n pbzzba pnhfr bs veerthyne crevbqf, naq pna or qvntabfrq ivn oybbq grfgf, fb gung znl or bar bs gur grfgf lbhe qbpgbe vf ehaavat.

Gur cvyy vf n pbzzba gerngzrag sbe erthyngvat crevbqf. V qba'g xabj lbhe snzvyl fvghngvba, fb V qba'g xabj vs vg jbhyq or rnfvre sbe lbh gb gryy lbhe cneragf rknpgyl jul lbh ner gnxvat gur cvyy. Ng gur raq bs gur qnl, lbh'er na nqhyg, fb lbhe zrqvpngvba naq jul lbh ner gnxvat vg, vf lbhe bja crefbany ohfvarff. V qb haqrefgnaq gur ulcbgurgvpny fvghngvba lbh tnir. V'z cerggl fher fbzrguvat fvzvyne unf eha guebhtu crbcyr'f urnqf jurarire V unir gb rkcynva jul V'z ba gur cvyy. (Juvpu vfa'g bsgra, zvaq lbh :))

Nygubhtu, V fubhyq cebonoyl trg n cnc fzrne zlfrys. V'ir arire unq bar, naq V'z nobhg nf oruvaq nf lbh jrer. Intvany pne-wnpx'f qba'g fbhaq irel sha gubhtu.

10 years ago @ http://markspoils.blog... - Weekly Shenanigans · 1 reply · +10 points

Laura is back from Europe!

Okay, technically I've been back for three weeks, but I got sick pretty much as soon as I got back.

Had a great time, and wish I could redo it all again, instead of returning to real life stuff (like my current job hunt).
I also had a birthday somewhere during my holiday, so I'm older now too.

Now I've got to catch up with Mark's projects. There are several things I want to follow (namely Star Trek)