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15 years ago @ Uhaveavoice - Is Us Airways Wrong Wi... · 1 reply · +1 points
This is not simply a matter of, "instead of giving the money to the passengers, give it to AIDS research". This, unfortunately, is a matter of PR that contributes to the bottom line and sustainability of the business (US Airways). Jason is right to suggest that putting a limit on the Chairman Club(which seems elitist anyway) is a PR no-no. Offering something like free flights solves many problems, requires little upfront cash, and would help them deal with any other aftermath in a positive light/spin.
After all, it is the corporate health of many 'American' companies like US Airways that provide much of the charity means necessary to combat poverty, cancer, aids, etc. I agree that those matters are more important, but there is indeed a symbiotic relationship in the background that is related.
15 years ago @ Uhaveavoice - Is Us Airways Wrong Wi... · 1 reply · +1 points