


379 comments posted · 3 followers · following 0

12 years ago @ KOMO - Seattle, WA - Controversial \'bug ex... · 1 reply · +27 points

Anyone who has ever looked at what is in their food knows that almost everything pink/red is cochineal. We just need to get over our fears of things and understand what they are. I would much rather eat bug coloring then a bunch of chemicals that might cause cancer. Much better bugs then something made out of coal tar and oil....

12 years ago @ KOMO - Seattle, WA - Bird flu, pig flu, now... · 0 replies · +2 points

I'm really over the whole "flu fear". Bird flu, pig flu, bat flu, horse flu, bullxxxx flu. More humans die of the human flu ever day in the world then have died from all these odd strains combined since discovery. Non-sense to the point I think its purely media non-sense at this point.

12 years ago @ KOMO - Seattle, WA - Woman weds warehouse a... · 0 replies · +3 points

How about some mental help?

12 years ago @ KOMO - Seattle, WA - Iran shuts down shops ... · 0 replies · +2 points

For a second I thought you were talking about Washington DC. HA!!

12 years ago @ KOMO - Seattle, WA - Gay marriage gaining m... · 0 replies · +5 points

The word marriage came out of roughly 1200-1300 AD of French origin. If you weren't aware, that is actually considered by many to be the latter part of the dark ages, which we are no longer a part of, thus the work is antiquated. Just saying.....

1250–1300; Middle English mariage < Old French, equivalent to mari ( er ) to marry1 + -age -age

12 years ago @ KOMO - Seattle, WA - Nastiest photo wins in... · 0 replies · +1 points

It's nice to know that there are still some people out there that would save the poor little thing from getting run over.

12 years ago @ KOMO - Seattle, WA - Wikipedia editors ques... · 0 replies · +14 points

Thank you Wiki. I went to each representatives site and sent them a message to vote again SOPA and PIPA. I also signed the Google petition.

The internet has long remained one of the last true realms of freedom of speech. SOPA stands in the face of that; as a bandaid against a problem that has nothing to do with freedom. Please stand against any bill that would restrict the free flow of information, both public and private, across the internet. Stop, rethink, replan. Don't be reactive, be proactive; find a new solution.

12 years ago @ KOMO - Seattle, WA - Brute force saves Ore.... · 0 replies · +11 points

Pretty amazing to move a 3200lb car with just people. Good job firefighters!

12 years ago @ KOMO - Seattle, WA - Dog survives vicious a... · 2 replies · +25 points

As the owner of 3 fellow Bostons, we are so glad that little Henry is going to make it OK. I know the article says its being paid for by donation, but - if the neighbor is the owner of the home, most likely she has home owners insurance that can be held liable for the attack and expenses.

Horrible of that lowlife coward neighbor to hide.

13 years ago @ KOMO - Seattle, WA - Fairbanks hit with rec... · 0 replies · +1 points

Liquid propane is actually -41 degrees when under pressure. If not under pressure, it quickly boils off into a gas state.

It's not even an education failure, its a search failure. -