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1 year ago @ - Storyteller Joe, Socio... · 0 replies · +2 points

Glad you're back. Exceptionally excellent writing - as usual. I think you're the best kept secret on the internet.

The ignorant masses (as Ayn Rand used to call them) actually deserve Puppet Joe Biden. It's a mean thing to say, but the truth usually isn't kind.

The American Empire reached its apotheosis shortly after WW2 and started its decline circa 1963 right after JFK was taken out by the Deep State. And here we are in 2022 on the brink of a new world war, WW3.

The USA didn't last as long as The Roman Empire, but things move much faster these days... And when the psychos and socios finally do what they must do (kill off 5 or 6 billion people) life will move much slower again, slower and simpler.

2 years ago @ - Are U.S. Elections Irr... · 0 replies · +4 points

Firstly, the American Empire won't reverse the trend toward collectivism. Why? Because the executive, legislative and judicial branches suffer from ubiquitous, inveterate corruption. Take the FBI, for example, is there any hope whatsoever of that cesspool gang to arrest any of the political turds that have floated to the top?, e.g., the Clintons, Obamas, Bidens and thousands of other political turd bags? No, not a chance in hell.

Let me explain something about the FBI, so you can better understand the situation. First, I want you to go watch the movie, Serpico, starring Al Pacino, based on the true story of a completely corrupt New York City criminal justice system full of dirty cops, dirty DAs, dirty judges. mayor and the entire system. The movie doesn't go nearly far enough in exposing the corruption. Sex, drugs, murder, daily bribes, payoffs, coercion, blackmail and you just name it was the business model. It was actually worse than the Mob.

I'm a native New Yorker who was there at the time of Frank Serpico.. It was a total excrement pile. Fast forward to 2021.... The FBI is even worse. The Justice Department is worse. The entire federal government including the CIA. NSA, DoD are all worse than the prototype of New York justice circa 1970... All of the above constitutes one great big shit pile.

You will never get justice from the federal government...

Without an FBI willing to arrest criminals and traitors, like the Clintons, Pelosi and Schumer, there is no stopping the downward trend of the American Empire. Period.

It is up to the People now. And, frankly, I have no faith in the ignorant masses. Their track record is one of total failure. They will get the government they so deserve

On the other hand, General Flynn was with Alex Jones over the weekend. The general joins many others who are going to resist by siding with "conspiracy theorists". And, frankly, I'm proud to also be called a conspiracy theorist. We are all conspiracy theorists now. Tucker Carlson, Joe Rogan, Ron Paul, Wayne Allyn Root and many others are all conspiracy theorists now.

I remember 15 years ago joining Alex Jones on the street as he led a protest. It was lucky if 50 people showed up at any of the protests. Nowadays, it is something to see guys like Wayne Allyn Root come on the Alex Jones Show and totally agree with Alex... Yet, it is not going to be enough to save America. The best we can hope for is a divorce from the Marxist Woke-tard criminally insane collectivists. The best we can hope for is a breakup of the US Empire where we seperate like they did in India and Pakistan...

Probably, what will happen, first, is another Great Depression and a subsequent violent showdown between Left and Right. Don't worry, the Leftys will be the ones to get violent. They are already drawing first blood.

2 years ago @ - On “Coming Together ... · 0 replies · +4 points

The Dis-USA is too far down "The Road to Serfdom" to make a u-turn and make it back to where it once belonged. The end of the road is nigh and the gas tank is running on empty. Indeed, the entire Western Civilization is poised for a total crash and burn.

As I've repeatedly stated, "people get the government they deserve", and they are about to get it good and hard.

3 years ago @ - Our Let's-Pretend World · 0 replies · +3 points

This is one of your best articles. For such an old tortoise you certainly haven't lost any of your wits. Tip of my hat to you for penning the best work I've read this year- and I'm an avid reader.

3 years ago @ - Totalitarianism Is Upo... · 1 reply · +4 points

It has been said that “[the majority of] people get the government that they deserve”. I say that’s true. The problem is that the rest of us get that which we don’t deserve; therefore, it becomes our job to make the best for ourselves out of a really bad government.

I supported Trump only because he was the best we could do at the time. I never for a minute really believed that “America would be great, again”. Why? Because anybody who’d trade social security (SSI) for freedom deserves neither freedom or security. And the American people have been trading their freedom for security for a long, long time. There has to come a day of reckoning for trading one piece liberty at a time for one big government promise of security after another.

Trump was a Marxisant, which isn’t much better than a Marxist. Trump enlarged the national debt, budget, currency supply and expanded the credit just like any good little collectivist would do. So, the only really good thing he did was slow down the collapse of Western Civilization. Tip of the hat for that. But anybody who actually believed that “winning, winning, winning would be so easy that you’d beg Trump to lose one once in a while” - anybody who believed that verbal fart - was and is a damn fool. Trump could not even “win” a second term. The Deep State ate his lunch and now Big Brother is going to eat Trump.

3 years ago @ - Choosing Division Over... · 1 reply · +6 points

Your “morality” is your morality and my morality is mine; however, when your morality abridges my freedom and steals my private property, then there’s going to be a problem. Moreover, there is a larger agenda afoot; a bigger contest. Giants of “evil” and malice are planning a “Great Reset” ( just look on the cover of Time for its featured article, “The Great Reset”). There are very powerful people who want to end what’s left of capitalism and liberty and totally replace it with repackaged and rebranded “MARXISM”!

And if that’s not EVIL, then I don’t know what is....

This whole COVID-1984 farce along with the crazy-ass lockdowns and the most corrupt election in American history remind me of the beginning of Bolshevik revolution ( another evil and duplicitous time in recent history) the rise of the Nazi and the turning point upon which JFK was assassinated by the Deep State.

2020 was and still is a major turning point in the never ending war between good and evil, freedom and tyranny, private property and collectivism and life and death.

Got guns? Got a reserve food supply? Extra medical supplies? Some gold and silver and cash? ..... Do you have a plan to survive a neo-Great Depression and a subsequent civil war during which the power grid and internet fails?

Yeah, it could get that bad.

3 years ago @ - What If “The Big Guy... · 0 replies · +4 points

Uncle Joe Marxist is one can short of a six pack. If the Dirty Dems manage to cheat Joe into office (that’s a big if) Joe will end up six cans short of a six pack before too long. That should be very entertaining and amusing to watch. And don’t expect The Donald to just sit there while he’s cheated out of the job he loves.

4 years ago @ - Time for GOP to Delive... · 0 replies · +2 points

Sleepy is probably going to be a no-show Joe at the debates . It wouldn’t surprise me if Sleepy No-Show Joe won the election, anyway. Why? Because this is going to be the most corrupt, dirty and duplicitous election in American history. And, moreover, the dimwitted and so-easily-suckered masses are truly useful idiots in all this Marxist mess. Take, for example, COVID-1984! Just look how the ignorant masses have allowed Big Brother to shut everyone and everything down. This Chinese Flu is less virulent than the 1968-1969 Hong Kong Flu of which I lived through and survived. We didn’t shut the country down then. Hell, we didn’t shut the country down for Polio, either. Yet the useful idiot Amerikans (sic) allow themselves to be locked down while what’s left free markets are destroyed. Another thing: look how the your Orwellian Masters have used Global Warming aka Climate Change as a means to control EVERYTHING! - including the world economy.

Right now the smart people are prepping for the collapse of Western Civilization. And, no, Trump won’t save you...

4 years ago @ - Time for the Scary Truth · 0 replies · +2 points

The truth is that America will never be made great by DT. And has DT drained The Swamp? No. Not even one Swamp Creature is in prison. “Lock her up! Lock her up”! Remember that? Not one of DC criminals have been brought to justice. Not even one..... And what about the tens of millions of illegal invaders? And the Wall? What about foreign trade? And all of the other big talking promises? Just look at the national debt now... $$$$$$$

The truth is DT merely bought you and me some more time to prepare for the collapse of Western Civilization. That’s all. DT slowed down the growth of the Swamp. He slowed down gun control. Did you take advantage of that? DT slowed down Marxism, but it’s still moving two steps forward and one step back. In case it has escaped your notice: civil war is coming..... And war is never great no matter how necessary....

4 years ago @ - The COVID-19 Macro Rac... · 2 replies · +2 points

I didn't "skedaddle" anywhere. Karl flat out let me know that he didn't want anymore of my input. Period. How many posts did I make? Over 500? Frankly, I'm surprised that Karl didn't insist I stop commenting way earlier. And, BTW, I made more than a few positive remarks about Ron Paul. Ron is the only politician whose grave I shall lay flowers on; however, Ron has his faults just like all of us. Karl has his own faults, too, of course and I enjoyed my back and forth with him including all of the disagreements. Karl threatened to ban me numerous times. No big deal.

"A man who lives fully is prepared to die at any time" ~ Mark Twain

And speak his mind so says I...

I say you should go over to Karl's site and say what you want. What's the worse that happen? He bans you? So what. Who cares?