ClayThomas; I've got a question for you being a police sargent...If an order came down from above to disarm the people..Where do you and other officers of the law stand. Will you follow that order or will you not?
Global force management....sounds like a civilian army to me. Every Patriot should be made aware and be made ready. This could be the birth pains of a new United States or the destruction of all we love and care for. Our children and their childrens children's future is now up to us. It is time to "Stand united" as we the people. Make ready yourselves, your families have a plan. There may be a time when all able bodies are called to muster. There might also be no better time to Get right with God. just my thoughts, what say you.?
KWilliams; Fret not, Our military boys and girls are Patriots.
I think the Idea is to break the bank. Money as we use will have no value which will usher in a new for of buying and selling. That could be done in several different ways, coupons, ONE WORLD CURRENCY or thrugh a embeded chip in your hand. There is a reason for dumping the US dollar, what else could it be? One thing fore sure what ever form script comes to, it will be controlled by the elete.
"But who will stand? Are you willing, are you ready to stand your ground and not back down.? If you are then be prepared both you, your family and friends. The bubble is being inflated and lookin like it may go up soon.
ArthurW....Airborne Rangers lead the way...all the way..Stand strong brother and don't back down.
Amen Brother; there are millions of us!
I don't think they would hear a million or even 10 million marching on Washington....unless they were shouldering weapons. They the whole world would sit up and pay attention. I am not suggesting that we get that drastic yet, but something best get their attention quick.!
Sure seems that way doesn't it, Obama and his den of thieves.
Yes, When you see these things look up for your redemption draweth neigh."