42p73 comments posted · 2 followers · following 0
14 years ago @ India Retold - BLOG BREAK! · 0 replies · +1 points
Thanks for the great servise to india .
I had lot of personal admiration for u.
I hope everything is all right .
Hope to catch u soon .
Please keep updating on the face book page .
God bless u
14 years ago @ India Retold - MANMOHAN GETS LEMON, K... · 0 replies · +1 points
Please watch his videos on you tube which are in English .
I will write about him in the futer .
the real issue is not what pakistan do to india but what our ledears are doing to counter it.
real problem is indian pople and indian leders.
14 years ago @ India Retold - MANMOHAN GETS LEMON, K... · 0 replies · +1 points
Indian leaders always prrotrayed that usa is holding India back other wise our leadears would have been deadly towards Pakistan which is bluff .
Today as u rightly said in ur article usa is dead it is no position to fight another war I do not know if usa can afford to loose business by imposing sanctions when unemployment is 10%.i feel the the whole nuclear deal to Pakistan osto just make few more extra bucks .
Indian leaders hold learn from isreal how to manage the friendship with us .
India is coutry which lacks purpose vision. Purpose of actions .
THE Intensity and passion with which Pakistan played cricket with India and their 60 year ambition defeating India has to be recognized .
Compared to our home mister who gets upset when Pakistan players are not selected ipl.
In any contest “they say may the best man win” India is never a best country .
I see terrosoms on India is a punishment for the apthy that our public is showing towards the nation .
India at international high table will only make the world a dangerous place .where every decision made by the politicion is for the petty personal gain .
When people like u hope and praying for India to do well ur out numbered by the vast no Indian led by our politicians out there e who want to defeat the idea of India.
14 years ago @ India Retold - MANMOHAN GETS LEMON, K... · 0 replies · +1 points
You cannot have economic prosperity if your goons go and destroy airtel showrooms for some petty cause .if Indian leaders are more than happy to see Indians fight among themselves for what ever reason India has withdrawn from international game .
Pakistan is blessed with what people call accident geography .pakistan is only rout for us to access central asia .
In India works hard and build its middle classit and become prosporus .us would be careful with India .any friendship is based on mutual needs not goodwill .
If India is busy in inventing new ways of self destrustuction that will ultimately leave the country poor .rember no care about the suffering of poor man .
14 years ago @ India Retold - MANMOHAN GETS LEMON, K... · 0 replies · +1 points
Why is all this just to destroy naidu and reddys son .
What is the cost is the cost on india enormous .
My real problem is not Andhra but the precedent it is setting our whole public debate in the next 20yeats will just discussing about the creation of new states. while china and Pakistan would be making rapid strides .that will be good forTRP rating of these channels tough when pople fight on the streets that makes a spectacular news .
What dis sonia Gandhi do did not speak a single word what did rahul Gandhi do .
He is on his picnic trips across India did not bother to visit Andhra .
14 years ago @ India Retold - MANMOHAN GETS LEMON, K... · 0 replies · +1 points
The article was very informative as well researched as u always do.
People classify me as a pessimist .
Being an Nri I always wanted to do something for India but today I lost all the hope on India and feeling sorry for being an Indian all the news in India is so depressing .
My despair was exasbated after seeing the way our state Andhra predesh has turned in to a political pawn by sonia Gandhi and Co .
Andhra Pradesh has crushed naxlotes in the past 15.because of the work of Naidu and reddy both are corrupt of varying proportions and had big plans for their careers and state both are upper castes hence not played cynical reservations politics but reddy was instrumental in instrumental in introducing the muslim reservations which is a bad presedent I personally hate every form of reservation be it caste ,religion or gender .They created Hyderabad from nothing into one of the shinng example of india’s progress .
15 years ago @ India Retold - POLITICS AND MEDIA: A ... · 0 replies · +1 points
I studeide in my childhood that brithers divid and ruled India .By our India govt seem to worst they divided people first based on caste then on religion now on region ..
I am unhappy that state is beingdevide but the ease with wchich the congress,BJP and the notional media collude to split up my state will be one of darkest chapters in democracy .the ease with wchich wrongs can be committed in India and natoanal interests can be undermined is making me feell hopeless about this country and its ability to stand up to china or any challege .
I taught the abosulte congress majority will used for reforms in India butits only being used to undermine India .
15 years ago @ India Retold - POLITICS AND MEDIA: A ... · 0 replies · +1 points
15 years ago @ India Retold - POLITICS AND MEDIA: A ... · 0 replies · +1 points
At the time when china is bulind roads railr in Tibet we shall fight about states .what you said in the prevous article was right eventually the small states leades to small country debate in India nothing is wrong.
The abouslte hold that sonia Gandhi had on India is being shown in this manner were a state is being split to het liking with a proper methodalgy.
Sometimes I feel if sonia is born as indias would she taken some decions like obc reservation new states wchih are making India even more weak an turning our country into a bafoon state .the abousulte control that congress had on India now is being used to redraw the map of India .
15 years ago @ India Retold - POLITICS AND MEDIA: A ... · 0 replies · +1 points
Thank you for continuing to write on a telangana issue .which I think national media now pushed to 2 pages when India had other important issue to thinl about like copehagen .
When china had uiger activist protects the Chinese premier who is on world trip came back to china to sort that was the importance china places .
I do not know how much understanding you or youe readers have on this issue but let me tell you that the theory that is being floated in ap now is ap which send 42 mp is too big .
It produced leaders like NT ramarao chandrababunadu who are primary reasons for keeping congress in oppstion at center .
Even ysr no matter how corrupt he is he gace 34 mp s to the center even sonia Gandhi had respect him which is not congress sty;e of fuction .
2 small states will produce some bafoon leaders who can be palyed around by the centres .
Beive me no one in Andhra expected telangana would come even KCR gave up fast after 2 days he started the fast just to revivew his political fortunes but he continued his fast after seeing the backlash from his supporters .