LOL. I think it's funny that all you morons grumbling "oh, I'm not going to see this awesome movie that's getting raved reviews in this summer of crap at the cinema because an actor dared to have a different opinion than me" are still going to see Inception because it's an incredible film. Haha. It's just kinda funny.
I'm most excited for Kick-Ass. Matthew Vaughn is a very talented director and it's supposed to be ULTRA-violent. Salt looks decent. Jolie kicking ass and taking names as usual, not sure if I'm gonna pay money to see it in theaters though. Clash of the Titans looks really epic. Not a fan of the heavy metal music in the trailer though. And boy has Sam Worthington officially EXPLODED on the Hollywood scene. Watch out leading men.
While that would be an appealing option, WB has made it clear that THEY WILL be making Batman 3, with or without Nolan, so you have to pick someone.
Okay, you all need to calm down. Remember this is MY top 10 comedies. And I find it interesting that a lot of you feel like I automatically HAVE to include an Adam Sandler movie. I love Madison/Gilmore, but those are such a cliche picks. Have an open mind. And also, I had to narrow this down to 10 movies. Obviously I love hundreds of comedies, but I had to omit a lot of them. If this were my "Top 25" then obviously all of the movies many of you have mentioned would be included. Good debate though.
I don't mean to hate on 'The Illusionist.' And I do love Norton. It's just it came out at like the exact same time as 'The Presitge' and a lot of people claim it to be the better 'magician thriller.' I say 'nay.' That's why I called it out.
Nice catch, just changed it. Thanks!
Yeah I know all about The Goods. I was supposed to see an advanced screening on Tuesday, but I couldn't go. I completely spaced mentioning it in this report, but I think it's gonna bomb. It's not getting anywhere near The Hangover-type pre-buzz and I think it's a movie that people are gonna say, "I'll rent it." It'll probs make just over $20 million and be a distant third. I'm looking forward to The Goods, but this weekend is all about girlfriends dragging their BFs to Time Traveler's Wife and everyone else going to District 9.