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9 years ago @ Birther Report - Full Video: Donald Tru... · 0 replies · +5 points

Good interview by Trump.

9 years ago @ Birther Report - Snow Job: Judge Denies... · 0 replies · +2 points

So Snow has not address the charges against him for his recusal? Did Snow address the accusations that he told his wife he hated Sheriff Arpaio and that he would do anything to take him down somewhere in those 61 pages of mostly drivel from the Communist Phoenix New Times? If not, Arpaio should and will take it to the next level the appellate court. The motion to Recuse Snow is about he is out of control biased against Arpaio. Not Montgomery the red herring.

9 years ago @ Birther Report - Milwaukee Sheriff Davi... · 0 replies · +1 points

9 years ago @ Birther Report - NBC News: Trump Resurr... · 0 replies · +16 points

Stock up on tons of popcorn. Trump and Sheriff Arpaio are going to meet in Arizona not too long from now. :D

9 years ago @ Birther Report - Burn: Obama\'s Reporte... · 1 reply · +11 points

Heads up BR.

"Donald Trump to speak on illegal immigration in Arizona" (Attend same event with Sheriff Arpaio)

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump arrives to a fundraising event at a golf course in the Bronx borough of New York, Monday, July 6, 2015. (AP Photo/Seth Wenig)

PHOENIX -- Businessman Donald Trump will bring his campaign for the Republican presidential nomination to Arizona this weekend.

Campaign staffer Dan Scavino tweeted that Trump would speak Saturday at 2 p.m. at the Arizona Biltmore. He plans to speak about illegal immigration.

"The Republican Party of Maricopa County is pleased to bring yet another presidential contender to Arizona," said Republican Party of Maricopa County Chairman Tyler Bowyer. "The Republican Party looks forward to spirited, energetic campaigns in 2016 and is thrilled to continually provide opportunities for Arizonans to engage firsthand in the political process."

Joining the presidential hopeful will be Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio. The sheriff is also expected to speak.
... .

9 years ago @ Birther Report - Fox News: Birther Dona... · 1 reply · +13 points

Well, the criminal Obamas are trying to run away to another court run looking for a corrupt OBot. .

9 years ago @ Birther Report - Fox News: Birther Dona... · 0 replies · +10 points

And furthermore....

"Counsel for President Barack Obama, Secretary of Homeland Security Jeh Johnson, Secretary of Health Human Services Sylvia Burwell and Border Patrol in Taitz v Johnson et al 14-cv-00119


Pursuant to 08.13.2014, court order by Judge Hanen, a motion hearing will be heard on 08.27.2014 in Taitz v Johnson 14-cv-00119.

Judge Hanen requested to address the issues below. The plaintiff is requesting defendants to appear at the hearing, as well as at a deposition, to be scheduled by a mutual consent on or before 08.22.2014.

The plaintiff is requesting defendants’ attendance at the deposition hearing and the production of any and all documents responsive to the order by Judge Hanen, including, but not limited to :

Border Patrol records of all illegal aliens apprehended at the U.S. –Mexican border in 2013, 2014.

Any and all records of medical examinations and treatment of such illegal aliens prior to their release into the general population.

Any and all criminal records on these illegal aliens from the countries of origin obtained by the defendants prior to the release and transportation of these illegal aliens.

Records of the US sponsors of such illegal aliens, and whether the sponsors, themselves, are illegal aliens.
Receipts of the notices to appear at the deportation hearings given to illegal aliens prior to their release from DHS/ICE custody.

Inspector General report showing criminal records of the illegal aliens released from the DHS/ICE custody.

Any and all records of individuals and classes of individuals challenging DHS and/ or ICE, and/or INS, and/or HHS, and challenging the policies of above agencies in relation to Flores v Reno and other immigration/deportation/ release and transportation of aliens, as well as records of determination by such challenges.

Plaintiff is seeking the defendants cooperation in accessing individuals who are the employees of the defendants and/or contractors, hired by the defendants for the purpose of processing and examination of illegal aliens, plaintiff is seeking the names and contact information of border patrol agents and medical professionals, who were handling processing of illegal aliens, who crossed the US –Mexican border in 2014."

-End Snip-

9 years ago @ Birther Report - Fox News: Birther Dona... · 2 replies · +14 points

Orly Taitz says this about this,

"Judge Hanen issues an order demanding that the defendants (Sec of HHS Sylvia Burwell, Sec of DHS Jeh Johnson and President Barack Obama provide Dr. Taitz with medical files the government has on all aliens who were referred to her office through government programs. Defendants will be in contempt of court, if they do not comply with the order."

9 years ago @ Birther Report - Gallups: Sheriff Arpai... · 1 reply · +7 points

I know what Arpaio and Zullo want before they tie this up in a big criminal bow. Sheriff Arpaio has hinted about it.

9 years ago @ Birther Report - Bump: Birther Donald T... · 1 reply · +3 points

Hey 4Dolt you and Dr. CON-man should get on the stick to sue Trump in court. Yeah that's the ticket! Hahaaha.