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13 years ago @ - Greg Gutfeld Reacts To... · 0 replies · +2 points

And by the way, how about the libtards that praised the death of former WH Press Secretary/Fox News analyst, Tony Snow? Better go preach to yer brethren numbnutzz.

13 years ago @ - Greg Gutfeld Reacts To... · 3 replies · +11 points

Ted Kennedy let a woman die, when he could have saved her. No guilt, no remorse. The power of his family name saved him from the justice he deserved. From that point on he was a pile of "excrement." Do you have a daughter? I do. And if that were my daughter, it would take the whole g-dd--m nation to stop me from eliminating that worthless piece of filth. And you know what? You f---ing Democrats and liberals worshipped that piece of sh--!

"God hates ugly"? He also hates evil. Ted Kennedy and those who supported him, that is evil.

13 years ago @ - Greg Gutfeld Reacts To... · 0 replies · +13 points

Ted Kennedy let a woman die, when he could have saved her. No guilt, no remorse. The power of his family name saved him from the justice he deserved. From that point on he was a pile of "excrement." Do you have a daughter? I do. And if that were my daughter, it would take the whole g-dd--m nation to stop me from eliminating that worthless piece of filth. And you know what? You f---ing Democrats and liberals worshipped that piece of sh--!

"God hates ugly"? He also hates evil. Ted Kennedy and those who supported him, that is evil.

13 years ago @ - Greg Gutfeld Reacts To... · 0 replies · +14 points

Ted Kennedy let a woman die, when he could have saved her. No guilt, no remorse. The power of his family name saved him from the justice he deserved. From that point on he was a pile of "excrement." Do you have a daughter? I do. And if that were my daughter, it would take the whole g-dd--m nation to stop me from eliminating that worthless piece of filth. And you know what? You f---ing Democrats and liberals worshipped that piece of sh--!

"God hates ugly"? He also hates evil. Ted Kennedy and those who supported him, that is evil.

13 years ago @ Big Peace - In Memoriam: Andrew Br... · 0 replies · +5 points

Andrew, Rest in Peace Brother, and May Your Memory Be Eternal!

13 years ago @ Big Government - Client #9 Fears a Sant... · 0 replies · +1 points

Dear Mr. Spitzer, STFU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU HYPOCRITE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

13 years ago @ - Anonymous Declares War... · 0 replies · +4 points

Don't forget the Kobe Beef from Japan @ $100+ lb. which he served at his inaugural(sp?) ball.

13 years ago @ Big Journalism - Alan Dershowitz Declar... · 0 replies · +44 points

Hmmmm did you miss Obama pronouncing Navy Corpsman, "Corpseman"? Better go correct that dude who has a little more power in this country than Ms. Loesch. Geesh, libtards 'casting stones'!

13 years ago @ Big Journalism - MMfA's David Brock Pai... · 0 replies · +7 points


13 years ago @ Big Government - CNN Caught Influencing... · 0 replies · +1 points

I cannot wait until Fox sponsors a debate between our illustrious president and the Republican nominee:

"Ladies and Gentleman...Welcome to the Main Event...LET'S GET READY TO RUMBLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"