


30 comments posted · 2 followers · following 0

11 years ago @ Upstream - a forum on ... - Doctors and Patients S... · 0 replies · +1 points

Interesting Candice! I also believe "practice what you preach", which will make your word more powerful. But recently, I am thinking that even there is nuances between different health problems doctors have, eg. smoking and obesity. Sometimes genetics plays a more important role in deciding if a person is overweight or not. It seems unfair to those doctor who has such trait. How should we deal with the stigma issue? I think we need to work more on the messages.

11 years ago @ Upstream - a forum on ... - Smaller dishes matter ... · 0 replies · +1 points

This is an interesting finding and is doable. A campaign targeting parents is a good way to go!

11 years ago @ Upstream - a forum on ... - Watch Out for MSG in F... · 0 replies · +1 points

This is really confusing. How is a customer supposed to know so many confusing names? It's just a game that food companies are playing and take advantage of the hole in legislature. More regulation should be issued in the future!

11 years ago @ Upstream - a forum on ... - Health Education at yo... · 0 replies · +1 points

Grocery store is a good starting point. Helping people make food choices when they are close to ingredience is a wise move. We are used to a sales person introducing the strength of a specific model of computer, why can't a nutritionist do the same? I wish to hear more about how customers think!

11 years ago @ Upstream - a forum on ... - Facebook reflects obes... · 0 replies · +1 points

It is really interesting! We only put more of our life online and there is some traces to be tracked to reflect how our real life looks like. These "big data“ might be useful to other health issues as well, let's wait and see!

11 years ago @ Upstream - a forum on ... - The Nanny- Mayor Bloom... · 0 replies · +1 points

I felt the same that Mayor Bloomberg is making effort to change people's behavior. We need someone with a strong stance in addressing public health issue and raise people's awareness. Otherwise, people will lose themselves in a world that is powered by commerce and dominated by competing messages.

11 years ago @ Upstream - a forum on ... - NYC: Protecting young ... · 0 replies · +1 points

When I was in the subway of New York City last week, the guy sitting beside me played the music so loud through earphone! It calls for public attention. If every one does the same and there is no instruction with regard to its harm, social norm might get young people some sense that it doesn't hurt. Hopefully, the campaign could help people realize that it is a problem.

11 years ago @ Upstream - a forum on ... - Want to be Heart Healt... · 0 replies · +1 points

Good for you, crazy pet lady! I guess the research finding also has some implication with the senior population you're interested in, as seniors are more likely to go through the feeling of loneliness and heart problems.

11 years ago @ Upstream - a forum on ... - Motivating patients to... · 1 reply · +1 points

I can't agree more that it is the individuals themselves that finally make decision to lead a healthier lifestyle and that's why ways/strategies to increase self-efficacy are important. I love the idea of motivational interviewing. The patient-centered strategy with a goal to think for the patients might receive less counter reaction by patients as I foresee and in a long run promote behavior change.

11 years ago @ Upstream - a forum on ... - Had unprotected sex? T... · 0 replies · +1 points

Texting is a good channel to communicating sexual health with teenagers. I can imagine the kind of hesitation teens will have with regard to questions relating to reproductive health. A timely feedback and guidance can help teens make better decisions. This is a great service!