


61 comments posted · 1 followers · following 0

12 years ago @ http://trinidadexpress... - By the numbers | Trini... · 0 replies · -21 points

Mr. Baldeosingh - Every once in a while, you write disparagingly about women whose genes gave them small breasts (or they don’t have the funds to get them augmented). This is prejudice, that is not very different from prejudice based on race, class, gender, sexual orientation, or belief/unbelief in God

12 years ago @ http://trinidadexpress... - How to obey \'dharma\'... · 0 replies · +1 points

:'lingam envy' -- with your permission Kevin, I will borrow that terminology when I am diagnosing problems of my Hindu women patients

13 years ago @ http://trinidadexpress... - BIN LADEN IS DEAD | Tr... · 0 replies · +2 points

I believe he meant that no special credit was due to the US forces for tracking Bin Laden down

13 years ago @ http://trinidadexpress... - BIN LADEN IS DEAD | Tr... · 2 replies · +2 points

One of my clients (Muslim, but not fundamentalist) just told me that "It is the will of Allah that Osama should be killed be the US forces"

13 years ago @ http://trinidadexpress... - Total disrespect for C... · 0 replies · +8 points

After reading this letter, I took a look at Baldeosingh's article. He quotes a number of sources including the Gospels. He makes no judgements or statements. He leaves it up to the reader to draw whatever conclusions they chose.
Hardly offensive. (Except to those who are offended at the slightest hint of anyone and anything which asks a question about their beliefs)

13 years ago @ http://trinidadexpress... - STOP RACE TALK | Trini... · 1 reply · +5 points

How can race debates not arise, Mr. Daaga, when your government is hiring and appointing, based not on merit, but to even up the 'race imbalance'

13 years ago @ http://trinidadexpress... - Conscience con science... · 0 replies · +8 points

Rather like how you rush in to bash KB's column every Friday bigbirdie? Criticize yes, but don't take it so much to heart. This is not good for your blood pressure.

13 years ago @ http://trinidadexpress... - How to value religion ... · 0 replies · +1 points

against scamps, this is one example
A young Muslim gay man, university degree, closeted from his parents whom he respects and wants to have their approval always, and whom he believes would reject him if they knew he is gay. They would reject him because their religion rejects homosex.
The young man is further troubled. He has strong belief in his religion, and also overwhelming desire for gay sex and at times describes himself as evil and at other times rails against his religion, his parents and seciety for their attitutudes towards homosexuals

13 years ago @ http://trinidadexpress... - How to value religion ... · 2 replies · +6 points

I can confirm that religion is a big factor in some of my clients mental and emotional issues

13 years ago @ http://trinidadexpress... - Clumsy handling of a t... · 3 replies · +5 points

there are differect sects in Islam and in Hinduism too. Then there are the religions with fewer adherents like Budhism, Sikhism, Zororoastiisnism. then there are atheists. I hope Mr. Gopeesingh's plan include ALL the religions practised by the people of T & T