I choose to believe that PLL ended at 5b (ok, maybe I'd let them get out of the Dollhouse in 6a), because my heart broke in a million pieces with the transphobic bullshit that is to come. I'm still watching, but kind of out of the corner of my eye, as I scowl furiously. Before that awfulness, I would swear up and down that this was the queerest, most slyly subversive show on television. GOD IM STILL NOT OVER MY HEARTACHE. Anyway, whatever. Excellent choice for last Crush Cake.
I'm so confused - am I just the first in line after the Take To The Sea tote sold out, or...? It says they're unavailable, though as of 6 minutes ago y'all were buying them fine. DAMN THIS OVERSLEEPING. If I'd just gotten up 10 minutes earlier....
[ETA: Looks like I was, indeed, just four minutes too late, as now everyone else is reporting it's sold out. WHY GOD WHY]
Jan is definitely the most sexually active - she's a "one woman USO" with those soldier boys' pictures exploding from her billfold! (I remember this very vividly because I did the sleepover scene in a drama class my freshman year of high school. I totally did not understand HALF of this movie at the time, despite thinking I was very savvy and worldly.)
Oh shit, y'all, I let a lace top sit in a combo of hot water, a HUGE scoop of OxyClean, and a HUGE splash of bleach for like, 18 hours the other day. I had no idea! (It survived just fine, although it STILL has the stubborn black stains around the armpits where a black blazer rubbed off on them, wtf.) And yes, I have tried vinegar as well! (But not with bleach, at least I know THAT much.)
This is sad, because any queer space closing is sad, but also because I LAUGHED AND LAUGHED AND LAUGHED at the name "Phase One" the first time I heard it. So many hilariously named gay bars, but this MIGHT be the most entertaining? (Maybe not. "Plan B" in Madison, WI is pretty amazing..)
Yes! Pompadour, that's what I was trying to think of.
AGREED! Mallory, please help!
That Topanga hair bump is NOT 2002, is it?! That's pretty solidly early 90s in origin?!
[ETA: Googling "2002 women hair" is no help.]
I don't know what we're talking about - like, that faux-hawk thing? That sorta rockabilly teased up bump?
I feel almost CERTAIN I know the boss/wife in the Ask a Manager and worked for them a decade ago! If not, there's MORE THAN ONE of this very specific combination of jerks out there. [Update: it's not them, so WATCH OUT, there's at least another set of these, working in Southern California...]
Dang! I'm so chagrined about the garbage thing! I'd turned to it as one alternative to more gendered and ableist insults, how did I miss the class angle?!
Also, damn.