


414 comments posted · 4 followers · following 0

13 years ago @ - 'We are all judged by it' · 0 replies · +2 points

If you're this bitter after a victory, I shudder to think how on earth would you have reacted had your Conservative party lost.

13 years ago @ - 'It was just symbolic' · 0 replies · +3 points

As was Herr Anders

13 years ago @ - 'It was just symbolic' · 0 replies · +4 points

Line of the day- that brightened my morning. Thanks.

13 years ago @ - The untold story of th... · 0 replies · +1 points

Oh damn- didn't I threaten to post on election night? Damn them. Next thing you know they'll be coming aft................................

13 years ago @ - The untold story of th... · 0 replies · +1 points

"Your comment is under review by our moderators and we and only we will decide if it will be posted you turncoat semi-Yankee dog"

Or something to that effect. I assumed it was because I wrote some naughty words but as Halo points out, it seemed to hit everyone on election night.

13 years ago @ - The untold story of th... · 4 replies · +4 points

I still cannot believe my writing "iArse" and "f***ed" got me temporarily banned/placed under moderation from from these boards on Monday night.

13 years ago @ - Alternate realities · 0 replies · +3 points

Second rounds or instant run off votes for any riding where no majority was achieved during the first round. At the very least we can eliminate MP's who only have the support of 1/3 of their riding.

13 years ago @ - The untold story of th... · 19 replies · +21 points

These articles are like methadone for my election news withdrawal symptoms.


13 years ago @ - From the archive: The ... · 0 replies · +3 points

Seriously? Wow. Well goes to show you how quickly the lessons of the past can be forgotten.

Like the Glass-Steagall act, just to pull something out of my hat.

13 years ago @ - The fringe standings · 0 replies · +5 points

a-HAR, now ye's knows whos I's voted fer.