


118 comments posted · 1 followers · following 0

10 years ago @ - WWE Issues Survey on P... · 0 replies · +3 points

Have Cena lose, get mad, and just destroy brock and heyman with a chair, you really want to sell it, have king go ask what he is doing in the middle,and let him get destroyed too......there is a strong can also have rollins cash after this destruction and turn paul heyman vs the authority into something long term (maybe we can get another one night stand promo out of him....), make brock win the rumble after months of HHH ducking brock fighting rollins......Roman Reigns isnt ready, not even close, out of the shield, he seems to be having the hardest time with the singles deal...

10 years ago @ - *LIVE COVERAGE* OF TON... · 0 replies · +2 points

Screw redemption, make Cena into a monster. His girl already flipped on her sister, and he got utterly destroyed, have him start by destroying Daniel Bryan, then Roman Reigns, and then have him go old school ECW on Brock. If this is one of those times where we have to watch him lift weights to Rocky music for 4 months, then an opportunity has been wasted....

10 years ago @ - *LIVE COVERAGE* OF TON... · 1 reply · -1 points

Screw redemption, make Cena into a monster. His girl already flipped on her sister, and he got utterly destroyed, have him start by destroying Daniel Bryan, then Roman Reigns, and then have him go old school ECW on Brock. If this is one of those times where we have to watch him lift weights to Rocky music for 4 months, then an opportunity has been wasted....

For the record, is Reigns the new Cena? He seems to be in that he will never lose superman mold at the moment, and it sounds like people are tired of him already. So why is Reigns the truth, and Cena is........Cena? My gf told me that if Reigns never cuts his hair, women will never get tired of watching him, so if he is to the chicks what Cena was to the kids, is he going to head down the same cheer/boo road?

10 years ago @ - MR. TITO STRIKES BACK ... · 0 replies · +3 points

If I want to see these fantastic Batista PPV matches on the network, is it still $9.99?

10 years ago @ - *LIVE SPOILERS* FOR TH... · 0 replies · +5 points

This is how super-cena started......hopefully they dont ruin reigns the same way....

10 years ago @ - MR. TITO STRIKES BACK ... · 0 replies · +3 points

Im going to point out...1. you calling someone else random commenter who's opinion doesnt matter seems to be a bit.....ironic...unless you are a columnist just trolling, or the owner of the far as chill, til the next episode, no one should ever quote an album because it is so ancient (15 years), especially one that went 6 times platinum and is considered a benchmark in modern hip hop, not to mention won a grammy, which for a real hiphop artist is almost impossible.......he should change all of that Whose opinion doesnt matter now??

10 years ago @ - Doctor\'s Orders: My B... · 1 reply · +2 points

I start this by saying the most thumbsdownworthy statement on LoP, I am a fan of John Cena. I am, I admit it, Im not 13, I dont live at home, I am not scared by a woman taking off her shirt, I just appreciate the dude's ethic. That said, never, NEVER, has there been a star of this quality that just goes on for so long. I cringed watching DX try and rekindle 10-15 years ago, same for Y2J who's very nickname comes from 14 years ago, same with the Rock and the same catchphrases that NAMED smackdown, but I cannot entirely blame Cena. Keep doing the same thing = keep getting paid be out of my house in 40 hours money. Vince, Steph, Trips, someone, someone has to change something. Hell it is so monotonous now that during his 5 moves of doom, he never even has to struggle, everyone just knows where to go and when to fall down. It looked like Orton could have done the 5 moves in the ring last time they fought without Cena, they are so............blah. Cena, to his credit, does try and bring something new, always shows up at PPVs, and as soon as something great can happen by venturing into new territory, bam, 5 moves, your time is up my time is now comes on. No new theme songs, no new finishers, no heel turn, no new speeches/promos, no new platform. I understand he is money on merchandise, he is great on the make a wish front, but what makes all of that possible is the wrestling product.

I have defended Cena for a while now, even through CM Punk, Daniel Bryan (overrated, yep I said it, the movement made him, not he himself, for proof, see fandango), Orton (Stellar skills, personality of a door), Bray Wyatt (completely agree, pushed too soon, would have like to see more from he and Kane/Taker/even Foley), Brock (Could care less about the product, as long as he is featured), all of the people I have mentioned have transformed in some form or fashion. For that, I blame creative, Vince, Trips, Steph, someone, give this man at least a new song, some new clothes, force him into a crew(The Authority comes to mind), anything. Yesterday was talking to a buddy, and it was the first time I couldnt defend him any longer, everyone, even my gf, knew Cena would win the belt, yet they shoved it down our throats anyway.

My question is this, what will it take to get Cena out of the I never give up, come back stronger, loyality, 5 moves of doom, neon shirt rut he has been in for years??

10 years ago @ - My Two Centsss - I\'m ... · 0 replies · +2 points

Still a better fight than anything on TNA.......

10 years ago @ - Big E Talks About Hulk... · 0 replies · +1 points

This would have been the best time to push the wrestling divas, the ones that can actually put on a show. It wont be long before those God awful 7 on 7 total divas/beer break matches start again.....

10 years ago @ - WWE and NBC Universal ... · 0 replies · +3 points

class not ass!!