


17 comments posted · 2 followers · following 0

11 years ago @ Equestria Daily - Nightly Roundup #824 · 6 replies · +44 points

Another Anthology? Why not just call it "PMV: The Movie" at this point.

11 years ago @ Equestria Daily - Semi-Aniamtion: Budget... · 0 replies · +60 points

I'd vote for that bill.

11 years ago @ Equestria Daily - Discussion: What Kind ... · 0 replies · +23 points

The pun was funnier when it was in my head.

11 years ago @ Equestria Daily - Discussion: What Kind ... · 8 replies · +81 points

Twilight is totally a math rock fan.

11 years ago @ Equestria Daily - · 1 reply · +168 points

Your very own Luna massage chair! Yours for only five easy payments of $59.99!

11 years ago @ Equestria Daily - Discussion: It\'s the ... · 0 replies · +3 points

Why would you need any other pony?

12 years ago @ Equestria Daily - Post · 3 replies · +15 points

12 years ago @ Equestria Daily - Discussion: Your Pony ... · 1 reply · +50 points

Wall of text, but, whatever. I wrote this awhile ago as one of those "letters to Princess Celestia" thing.

"It was during February of 2011 when I was 18 when I first discovered My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. At the time, I was just beginning my first steps into the world of tertiary education, electing to study a bachelorship in information technology. As anyone who has experienced college will tell you, the first few months are often the most trying, but my prospects for finishing even the first semester of my degree seemed to sharply decline as time went on.

I was a very introverted individual, and was prone to periods of intense self-scrutiny. While introspection is not necessarily a bad trait, in my case it often led to self-directed hatred and depression. After a rocky start with one of my subjects, my first reaction was to drop it, having immediately convinced myself that I was too incompetent to stand a chance at completing it. The few acquaintances I had made by chance attempted to encourage me to stick with it, but I was deaf to their words. I was committed to this path of self-destruction.

However, a small amount of respite was found in watching episodes of Friendship is Magic. Having been a long-time fan of cartoons and animation, it easily appealed to me, and I had no struggle with accepting it into my weekly routine. However, this also meant that I had a tendency to tune out of the deeper meanings behind each episode, instead examining the skill of the animators and the composition of the scenes. I should also mention at this point that I had previously attempted a degree at an animation college at the age of 16, but had soon dropped out due to my ongoing self-inflicted struggle.

It wasn’t until I had stumbled across the fledging brony community that I began to read deeper into the show. I began to find that the episodes struck a chord within me, one that had not been touched in years. I clung fiercely onto the projected morals, especially each letter to Celestia. I went so far as to print them to pin to my wall, finding a well of strength in the words when I read them. As I re-watched episodes, they began to bring forth emotions in me which had previously not been present, both immense joy and intense sadness. I finally began to rid myself of my mental plague.

My studies began to pick up in April. I committed myself now to my study, hammering out overdue assignments and taking as many notes as I could. I read my textbooks and began paying attention to those around me, people I had previously called acquaintances but now counted as close friends. They remarked often on my sudden change of character, and I leaned on their encouragement for support when doubt threatened to swallow me once more. Despite my efforts, I was fully prepared to see that I had failed when the semester finals were graded. Imagine my surprise when I saw that I had instead passed with high distinctions.

I am now 20, in my second semester of my second year, and have moved onto full-time university. I have one more year before I graduate with my bachelor’s, and currently hold one of the highest GPA’s in my grade. I have become closer than ever to my friends, and the brony community has gifted me with many more. This semester, I even opted to take several animation classes as electives, and may even change my minor to animation media.

Thank you, bronies. Thank you, Mrs. Faust, for being so inspiring, and thank you, to all my friends, for never giving up on me."

12 years ago @ Equestria Daily - Convention Compilation... · 0 replies · +14 points

Same difference.

12 years ago @ Equestria Daily - Convention Compilation... · 4 replies · +5 points

I always did see unicorn horns as ideal hoopla targets.