


4 comments posted · 2 followers · following 2

15 years ago @ Glenn Beck - The 912 P... - 3/20/09 - 3/24/09 · 0 replies · +2 points

I am ABSOLUTLY SICK!!!...... I have had this gut feeling for over some time now just knowing in my heart that if Obama got in office he “WOULD NOT” have our best interest in mind.

I have always felt that this election was pre planned, bought off and supported by many of these crooks in order to carry on the corruption all in the name of the law.

I also feel that our economy took a dive deliberately as part of the agenda, Yes all pre planned to cripple the “WE THE PEOPLE” and take us to our knee’s…. Sorry folks, I am not a doomster but think about it…. Obama is all to calm and cool and doesn’t every crook give a great speech? That is all he has going for himself.

Look at all the events that have taken place even during the campaign, everything happened all at the right times. Have you ever seen any real concern, fear, or any sense of urgency in Obama or his select few?

15 years ago @ Glenn Beck - The 912 P... - 3/20/09 - 3/24/09 · 0 replies · +2 points

I am ABSOLUTLY SICK!!!...... I have had this gut feeling for over some time now just knowing in my heart that if Obama got in office he “WOULD NOT” have our best interest in mind.

I have always felt that this election was pre planned, bought off and supported by many of these crooks in order to carry on the corruption all in the name of the law.

I also feel that our economy took a dive deliberately as part of the agenda, Yes all pre planned to cripple the “WE THE PEOPLE” and take us to our knee’s…. Sorry folks, I am not a doomster but think about it…. Obama is all to calm and cool and doesn’t every crook give a great speech? That is all he has going for himself.
Look at all the events that have taken place even during the campaign,......Please read more
this site won't let me post all of what I wanted to say, it says my post was to large.

15 years ago @ Glenn Beck - The 912 P... - 3/20/09 - 3/24/09 · 0 replies · +3 points

I am absolutely sick about what is going on in Washington, it frightens me to think where we are going to be next year at this time.

I want to help all of us get the word out….
As I am home bound and can not get out and protest, I want to do my part.
I will make any graphics for signs, shirts you name it. Send me your ideas you can add your logo, send personal photo’s, graphics anything you like. Email me tell me your ideas and I will put it together for you. and send it back to you ASAP. Please add PRIORITY LOGO’S In the subject box of your email.
View others for ideas
You can take your file to you’re local staples, kinko’s Etc. Some stores require a special file type, just let me know what that file type is and I will send that format to you.

If there is anything any person or groups need please tell me let me help.
You can also Blog me at my Blog


15 years ago @ Glenn Beck - The 912 P... - 3/20/09 - 3/24/09 · 0 replies · 0 points

I am absolutely sick about what is going on in Washington, it frightens me to think where we are going to be next year at this time.

I want to help all of us get the word out….
As I am home bound and can not get out and protest, I want to do my part.
I will make any graphics for signs, shirts you name it. Send me your ideas you can add your logo, send personal photo’s, graphics anything you like. Email me tell me your ideas and I will put it together for you. and send it back to you ASAP. Please add PRIORITY LOGO’S In the subject box of your email.
View others for ideas
You can take your file to you’re local staples, kinko’s Etc. Some stores require a special file type, just let me know what that file type is and I will send that format to you.

If there is anything any person or groups need please tell me let me help.
You can also Blog me at my Blog