27p17 comments posted · 86 followers · following 0
9 years ago @ Conservative Home - How to stick to the 0.... · 0 replies · +1 points
Plain and simple.
World Leaders need to Boldly, Outloud and Together Declare that we are at 'War with CORRUPTION'. We need to pull out it's roots on every and all levels.
~ Crime And Corruption Cost Developing Countries $6.6 Trillion In Past Decade, Report Shows http://www.ibtimes.com/crime-corruption-cost-deve....
~ The 10 Most Corrupt Countries in the World http://sunnewsonline.com/new/?p=117799
~ How Corruption Kills the Promise of Social Enterprise http://www.triplepundit.com/2015/03/corruption-ki....
~ One (Difficult) Step to Curbing Extremism - (Fighting Corruption) - Carnegie Endowment for International Peace http://carnegieendowment.org/2015/02/03/one-diffi....
~ Corruption: The Unrecognized Threat to International Security - Carnegie Endowment for International Peace (Global Think Tank) http://carnegieendowment.org/2014/06/06/corruptio....
9 years ago @ Conservative Home - The Home Secretary's p... · 0 replies · +1 points
~ Yes, polygraphs can be beat. Yes, the are inadmissable in court. Yes, they are only as good as the examiner. But if used as a tool to weed out the bad apples, and protect the good cops, maybe they would think twice before breaking the very laws they were sworn to uphold.
~ All Levels of Law Enforcement have for decades felt that the polygraph is a much needed and essencial part of the hiring process. Why not change Policy that Polygraphs and Psych Evals for new Hires expire every 5yrs?
~ National Institute of Ethics: Police Code of Silence - Facts Revealed http://www.aele.org/loscode2000.html
~ DoD: Random Lie-Detector Tests Increase Personnel Security https://sm.asisonline.org/Pages/dod-random-lie-de....
10 years ago @ Thoughts From Across t... - Why is Corruption More... · 0 replies · +1 points
And Turn the Page of History.
Wherever you are in the World, in your own jursidictions and capacity, you can do something, anything, just one thing.
And make a differcence.
10 years ago @ Thoughts From Across t... - Why is Corruption More... · 0 replies · +1 points
Plain and simple.
Carnegie Endowment for International Peace (Global Think Tank) ~ "Corruption: The Unrecognized Threat to International Security" - http://m.ceip.org/publications/?fa=55791
Inside Council Magazine ~ "Working toward a global anti-corruption framework" - http://www.insidecounsel.com/2014/08/12/working-t....
AFKInsider ~ "Has the Time Come For An International Anti-Corruption Court?" - http://afkinsider.com/68374/time-come-internation....
The U.S. Global Anticorruption Agenda | The White House http://www.whitehouse.gov/the-press-office/2014/0....
WASHINGTON: Obama administration issues new polygraph policy | McClatchy DC http://www.mcclatchydc.com/2014/10/01/241170_no-l....
10 years ago @ http://www.belfasttele... - Public perception of p... · 0 replies · +1 points
"the polygraph is the single most effective tool for finding information people were trying to hide." - DIA, NSA.
CBP could require current employees to undergo polygraphs. http://t.co/MpPsmq2p
Make policy that polygraphs for all new hires expire every 2-5yrs. http://shar.es/epfm2
Random drug, lie detector tests for Police Officers in Spain. http://www.trinidadexpress.com/news/Random-drug-l....
LAPD body video cameras. http://www.latimes.com/local/la-me-dodgers-lapd-2...
The honest, brave officers with integrity deserve better.
And so does the public.
Wherever you are in the World, in your own jurisdictions, in your own capacity, you can do something, anything, just one thing. And make a difference.
Break the code. Break the culture.
11 years ago @ http://trinidadexpress... - Random drug, lie detec... · 0 replies · +2 points
11 years ago @ The Malaysian Insider - Main - Malaysia - What... · 0 replies · +4 points
DoD study on random polygraphs for personnel. http://t.co/Tr7uafTd
"the polygraph is the single most effective tool for finding information people were trying to hide." - DIA, NSA.
Make policy that polygraphs for all new hires expire every 2-5yrs. http://shar.es/epfm2
California laws strengthened wall of silence among officers. http://shar.es/lITUZ
The honest, brave officers with integrity deserve better.
And so does the public.
Wherever you are in the World, in your own jurisdictions, in your own capacity, you can do something, anything, just one thing. And make a difference.
Break the code. Break the culture.
11 years ago @ The Tory Diary - Theresa May is right t... · 0 replies · +1 points
DoD study on random polygraphs for personnel. http://t.co/Tr7uafTd
"the polygraph is the single most effective tool for finding information people were trying to hide." - DoD, NSA.
Make policy that polygraphs for all new hires expire every 2-5yrs. http://shar.es/epfm2
Top Baltimore jail executives to be polygraphed following gang indictment. http://shar.es/lmevh
California laws strengthened wall of silence among officers. http://shar.es/lITUZ
The California Peace Officers Bill of Rights needs to be reviewed and revised. Especially section 3007.
The honest, brave officers with integrity deserve better.
Let's get this done folks. And never give up. For the good of the collective whole.
Break the code. Break the culture.
And Walk the Talk.
11 years ago @ WXMI-TV - Battle Creek City Comm... · 0 replies · +1 points
National Institute of Justice: ~ Five Things Law Enforcement Executives Can Do To Make A Difference. http://nij.gov/five-things
DoD study on random polygraphs for personnel. http://t.co/Tr7uafTd
"the polygraph is the single most effective tool for finding information people were trying to hide." - DoD, NSA
Make policy that polygraphs for all new hires expire every 2-5yrs. http://shar.es/epfm2
Top Baltimore jail executives to be polygraphed following gang indictment. http://shar.es/lmevh
California laws strengthened wall of silence around officers. http://shar.es/lITUZ
The California Peace Officers Bill of Rights needs to be reviewed and revised. Especially section 3007.
Break the code. Break the culture.
And Walk the Talk.
11 years ago @ KCPQ-TV - Anti-stalking bill sig... · 0 replies · +1 points