God bless the Republican, the chosen rich people. Hope that you are one of the chosen people.
Thanks GOD for the Republican, who stand up for the millionaires & billionaires, I hope that the Republican vote against the extension of the unemployment, I hope that the Republican will vote to reduce the Medicare, I hope that the Republican will vote to reduce the social security and extend the retirement to 72 yrs. GOD BLESS US RICH PEOPLE, WHO MADE THIS COUNTRY GREAT...
So what is a big deal, I guess they have a free speech. Afterall, they are from Idaho, a bunch of ignorance white trash...
Since the Muslim likes to burned, bombed and killed other people, how about let them taste their own medicine. Lets round them up and sent them home where they belong. Last time I checked, Somalia is a war torn country and can't even feed themselves. Sent them all home....Good ridden!!!! We have our own crazy people to keep all you crazy Muslim in checked too and its about time we step up and fight fire with fire...
If these people can't respect the value of this country then its time to sent them all back to Somali, I am sure they all are Muslim and similar believes. How about sent his mom, dad and all of them back home. Good bye, dirt beg...I can't believe that we are taking these refugees from the war torn country and now they want to destroy our way of life and now we have to foot the bills to house him too. How about sent him to Mexico....
Fresh white meat....Hey Tommy, don't drop your soap in the shower and slippery when wet...
This is truly a land of opportunity and Sarah, is a living proof of that. There are people out there are so stupid enough to believe that she has the intelligence to run this country. Give me a break.
I won't be buying anymore drinks from Dutch Bro from now on because I don't want to get shot by them by accident or something.
Can't do the time, so don't do the crime. Just because you are an American, doesn't mean you above the law. Good luck...
Ya "anonymous tip", its probably from the Oregon State Alumni...